Friday, December 25, 2020

Christmas #2 (US!!)

We celebrated at home all day long with just us on Christmas Day.  It was a great day... exhausting, but great!  

The kids were up a little earlier than normal...  (I could have slept another hour!), but they were excited!  Santa had come, which brightens our little morning... so fun to see the kids be excited and happy.  

We kept to our normal schedule for Christmas...  

Our gifts
Kayson's birthday gifts
Play, organize, nap, whatever!

I even fed the family for both meals!  ha.  We didn't go anywhere, so I had to!  ha.  

Anyway, we had a great day...  the kids were spoiled as always, but they seemed very thankful.  Especially Kayson - receiving his first cell phone!  Big deal!  It's been a joke that he wasn't going to get one... or he was going to get a hand-me down phone.  He would get so frustrated with us.  It was funny.  Another funny thing is anytime we talked about K getting a phone - Cora would get upset, saying it wasn't fair and is totally jealous.  There was a bet that she would cry at Christmas... and she did!!  ahah.  Funny, but not funny.  Little stinker. 

Anyway, it was a great morning...  we just putzed around all day - organizing, stopping to play, walking Boomer, sitting, more organizing...  it was just a busy day!  I was exhausted!!

Very thankful that we could be home... even though I missed my family this afternoon, we hope to see them a little tomorrow!  


  1. nice nipple pokies

  2. Oh she knows what her favorite present was! Bet she can't wait to hit the street corner in that!
