Monday, November 25, 2019

Weekend... will they ever slow down?!

after a busy week... we were tired again, but had so much going on for the weekend.  Including getting together with Hummel's and Daughtery's.  Originally, it was going to be an adult night out - but the sitter cancelled... so we all just ended up on Hummel's for pizza.  It was fine... kids were rowdy (and tired)... and so were the parents!

Late night. 

I don't know if I could have packed more into Saturday!!!
Up and at em...  first tree up.  We put the new tree up in the basement - got it decorated (kids' stuff) and it's so pretty.  Kayson was tired and crabby... so he wasn't very interested in helping.  (Noticing this a lot lately, which hurts my feelings!)  But we got it done. 

Then off to the first game of basketball...  Ryan's mom joined us, so that was nice.  It was a win, and Kayson did really well.  Super proud of him.  

Back home... grabbed a quick lunch, then continued with the next tree!  Our upstairs one is now up... and I did most of that, which is good with me.  I love that tree and it's just so pretty.  :)  We then had about 2 minutes to sit... and then back for the last basketball game.  Another win... not as pretty, but it was a good game. 

and finally back home for a bit.  
We ended up meeting Showalter's out for Mexican, then they came back to our house for an hour or so.  Unfortunately, my kids (specifically Kayson) was owly and him and Cora fought like cats and dogs... lots of stomping and yelling and hitting.  I was so disappointed, and embarrassed.  So frustrating.  After our friends left, I gave them a stern talking to, but unsure that it set in...  K was still mad - mad because he got in trouble all because it was his sisters fault.  *sigh*  Tough being kids, tough being tired and having to do the 'right things'.  Not a very fun night...

Church... and then back for our last game of basketball.  Unfortunately, it was a loss...  things weren't clicking, so we were back home for the afternoon.  I got some more decorating done, groceries done, laundry done...  and finally relaxed a little.  

What a weekend...  just non stop!
and I'm pooped!  Thankful for a short week...  where MAYBE we can catch up a little. 

Do they looked pooped?

Apples and caramel for the win to wrap our busy weekend.

Mostly Ryan finished this 1000 piece puzzle.  So cool!

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