Thursday, August 1, 2019

Waukee Boys Travel Basketball Team

I had mentioned the previous weekends, Kayson has had two try-outs for a basketball team.  The try outs went well...  he worked hard, according to him and Dad.  This is a team that's hard to get on...  about 30 kids try out, and Coach only chooses 10.  That's a big deal, or at least I think so!

Coach is Adam Emmenecker, who is a basketball player who played at Drake and had a great career there (I guess).  I have never followed it/him, nothing... in addition, he works at Principal, and I have had the honor to work indirectly with him for a couple years.  Seems like a good guy. 

Anyway, Kayson has officially made the travel team!!  We got the notification late Sunday night, and both Ryan and I just were in shock honestly.  Not that we didn't think he couldn't do it, we just are realistic, and assumed there would be other kids better...  again, not bad, just didn't expect this!  But we are sooo darn proud of him and how hard he worked - he must have shown the coaches something great that they were impressed by!  

So...  moving from baseball to basketball!  We'll start in September with practices... but we don't know much more than that.  I know it'll be a lot - lots of tournaments.  So we'll be busy this winter!! 

Proud of this kid!

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