Friday, March 8, 2019

Mornings at the Taylor's... Miss Cora

Weekday mornings are rough... for Cora.
Again, only writing this down to remember, but certainly I'll never forget the way she acts in the morning!  :)

We were on our own this week... Ryan was a long ways away (different time zone to be exact!).  It's not anything new that mornings are not really my thing, and it's completely obvious now that mornings are not Cora's thing either! 

Kayson, on the other hand, does so well for me.  And I tell you what - I told him "thank you" each morning this week - thank you for getting up for me, for not giving me a hard time... 

Cora...  just struggles. I go in to her room about 6:35...  turn off her fan, open her curtains/blinds... and don't say a word.  A few minutes pass, and I go back in...  I touch her (and that's where shit hits the fan!)  She moans, kicks, basically throws a mini fit all while her eyes are closed.  It just irritates me to no end!!  ha.  A few minutes pass... again, and I go back in.  This time I turn on her lamp... and I tell her it's time to get up and get dressed... She again moans at me and kicks. 

This continues for a couple more times... and then I loose it and holler at her.  Then she cries.

Every morning. 

What a pistol. 

Then once she's up... she drags her feet to the kitchen.  Eventually, she'll eat and talk and seem good.  But then when she's done, we do more dragging feet, or screwing around.  It takes her forever to get her teeth brushed and shoes on!!! 

We have family coming tonight/cousins... and I told her she's staying in her room tomorrow morning until at least 8:00 cuz "she's so tired".  If she wakes early, I'll be so irritated!  ha.

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