Sunday, December 9, 2018

Weekend & Church Christmas program

We went out for supper... Applebee's chosen by the kids.  The rest of the night was picking up, cleaning this and that... and laundry.  

Kayson started basketball...  we didn't do a league this year (haven't done that, ever), so we decided last minute to do the month long program through Waukee HS.  We have done this for several years now...  still gets him some activity and a some learning too. Ryan took him to that... Cora and I hung at home and did more of this and that.  (I swear that's been never ending lately.)  Once K was home - then the kids and I did a couple errands, trying to get some more shopping done.  UGH.  I'm over the shopping thing!!!  We did get the teachers done - school teachers and dance teachers.  So that's good.  But I still need to get a few more things from us... from Santa... from my Dad... from Ryan's grandma.  Ugh!  

Saturday afternoon was quiet at home...  but of course I was non stop.  I don't think I sat down at all (unless I was driving or eating!), and man, that gets old.  It seems like this weekend (or at least THIS Saturday) was just one of those days that it drove me crazy to sit... or watch others sit!  Like my husband.  

Kayson had a birthday party to go to Saturday night - Mr. Hudsen.  They had a good time... and stayed up way too late.  Imagine that - almost 10 year olds.  Ryan and I attended Colleen and Julie's 40th birthday party that they held at a bar downtown.  Like a true bar.  ha.  We are old.  Anyway...  it was fine... got to see a few people I haven't seen in awhile... Ryan had a few drinks... and we were on our way home by 9:30.  Again, old.  Cora stayed home with Zoey.  

Picked K up at 8am... and I could tell he was tired.  Oh boy.  But it was a big day at church, so we had to be awake!!  The kids Christmas program!  Kayson played Joseph; and Cora was one of the Shepherds.  They both did awesome... and so did the other kids.  It was really sweet... and so good.  Very proud of the kids. 

Sunday afternoon, Kayson went to the park with a friend for a bit, then back to Carter's house to hang for a little bit.  Cora and I went to the grocery store - along with everyone else in West DSM!  Ryan had meetings at church.   But the rest of the afternoon was laundry and relaxing.  I did sit.  :)

Easton & Cora - Shepherds
Cora - Shepherd; Kayson - Joseph

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