Tuesday, September 6, 2022

Labor Day weekend 2022

Friday: No school for the kids.  I mean, why would they have school??  Gosh, they are only 2 weeks in and we already have a 4 day weekend!  The kids did their own thing Friday while I worked.  Cora hung with Ella for a couple hours, and K was with Matt and Ben.  I got some solid work done, then started my weekend around 1:00.  It was nice. 

Saturday: First Iowa football game, but we decided against going... and headed to Creston/Diagonal for the day (and Sunday).  Headed down to the farm to hang, watch the game, and play.  It was nice to have some time with just Grandma Janis... she just loves when we are there, makes me happy.  

We headed back to Creston to hang with Martina and the kids...  have pizza and just hang out.  It was a pretty good evening.  

Sunday: Unfortunately, Landry woke not feeling well... and Martina ended up testing her for COVID and it was positive.  Not thrilled.  She had been hanging on Cora all morning, along with just sleeping in the same room.  Super frustrating. We got our stuff together and headed out to the farm.  Probably should have just went home since we were exposed, but we didn't.  Martina stayed back with Lanny...  and the rest of them headed to the farm.  

We had a nice time at the farm... just hung outside in a big circle of chairs and visited.  Cora's allergies hit her hard there (2nd day in a row for fresh air and farm air), that'll do it.  She was a mess.  :(

But overall, fun to be there for the day. 

Sunday evening we headed home... and went over to Showalter's.  Hung with them and Koch's and Infante's, so that was nice.  Haven't seen them all in a long time, so that was fun.  

Monday: a free day, no school, no work.  Cora slept til nearly 10!!  She needed it.  I did a ton of laundry and stuff around the house.  Ryan and K mowed the lawn.  Cora did some crafts and was lazy!  It was a wonderful free day.

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