Monday, December 13, 2021


Week & Friday:  It seemed like another busy weekend.  Something going on each evening... and then all of the sudden it's 9:30 at night, and we are pooped.  Even Kayson is up late most nights due to basketball practice.  I know we are all looking forward to our break from school and sports.  

Friday night - Trish and Greg were in town shopping, so they came and spent a couple hours with us.  We grabbed some supper in, and just hung out.  Super fun - Cora and Uncle Greg were buds.  So cute.  Kayson was at a birthday party for Hudsen...  I think he had a good time.  

Saturday:  We were able to take it slow in the morning... then we headed up to Ames for another basketball tournament. Unfortunately, our luck wasn't the best.  K's team got smoked the first game - man those 7th graders looked like 9th graders!!  Big and strong.  K got beat up a little, landing on the floor once and beat up his knee and elbow pretty bad.  Two loses on Saturday, which wasn't that much fun!!  Trish, Greg, and Hope came to the games, and JeanAnn and Mike.  Always good to have a fan base for Kayson. 

Following the games, we went to Hickory Park to eat... then home.  Ryan and I went to the mall later in the evening to get a few things off the lists... kids just stayed home and chilled.  Really nice to be able to do that... they are old enough that they can stay home on their own!

Sunday:  Another portion of the basketball tournament - one loss, then one win.  Finally.  Boost their confidence a little!  Ryan took K, as I stayed home as Cora had dance.  I did a little around the house, but otherwise, we layed low Sunday - which was much needed. 

Seems like the weekend went fast too... only a couple weeks til Christmas!  I didn't take many pictures... totally should have gotten a pic of K's fan base.  

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