Monday, July 20, 2020

COVID-19 update

Thought I would write this down (even though, I'm sure we won't forget!), but the US is still experiencing and dealing with COVID-19. Unfortunately I don't think this is going to go away anytime soon... 

So, basically since the beginning of March, this has been a 'thing'.  People have died and continue to...  now, I honestly don't keep track of numbers and the statistics, but I understand it's enough to continue this pandemic, and start wearing masks nearly everywhere we go... all the things.  It's so disappointing, frustrating, and just sad.  

Anyway...  as of now, school will be starting for our Waukee schools August 24.  As of now, the kids will be wearing masks all day at school.  This is just 'as of now' - nothing has been set in stone, but this is what we are hearing, what we are seeing, etc.  

I'm scared and worried for the kids...  but honestly, they need to go to school and be there, see their friends, learn from their teachers.  I just pray that everyone is smart, and we can continue school through the year. 

More to come...  

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