Friday, May 17, 2019

This & That - Parenting troubles

Ramblings on a Friday afternoon...  a gloomy, tiring Friday afternoon.
  • Being a parent is hard.  Period.
  • I constantly worry about my kids.  Who else does that?  I worry about how they are doing in school... how they will act in front of strangers, or other parents... if we are raising them happy...  if they are happy... if they are making good choices... if they believe in God, and pray... the list goes on.
  • Cora is a challenge - a full blown rollercoaster she is.  No lie - she can be the sweetest thing.  She has a big heart, but man she can be a little mean girl.  I pray that she learns that being kind to everyone is the key to being successful.  She can be timid and strong at the same time, but being kind is what she needs to work on.
  • Kayson is a different challenge - a 10 year old boy challenge.  Now I've never had a 10 year old boy before... but he's changing.  He was changing quite a bit last year.  He's quieter, he's more reserved... but he also aches for attention.  I pray that he is happy and strong... and grows into a respectful young man. 

Some amazing quotes that I've saved lately that really relate to me... and parenting... and just life right now.  We are busy, but we also have some down time.  I want that down time to be productive - whether it's getting stuff done around the house, or if it's sitting with my kids.  Life is way too short and I just want everyone around me to be happy. 

"My goal as a parent is to prepare you for the future, not to make you like me."  (I love this... but I pray they like me when they get older!)

"If parents want to give their children a gift, the best thing they can do is to teach their children to love challenges, be intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort, and keep on learning. That way, their children don't have to be slaves of praise.  They will have a lifelong way to build and repair their own confidence."

"On my laziest day, I am still a teacher, a referee, a cook, a handyman, a maid, a counselor, and a jungle gym. So don't act as if I do nothing all day."

"Don't yell at your kids...  lean in and whisper, it's much scarier."  (hilarious)

"I hate the saying - 'Kids will be kids'.  I think it should be replaced with - 'Bad parenting results in assholes'".  (I pray my kids are not assholes!)

"I'm not a perfect parent. I'll let you down and I'll make mistakes.  I'll say one thing when I should have said another. But I love you... fiercely."

"You're not just raising your son... you are raising somebody's husband and somebody's father. Raise him well!"  (This is scary for me... I pray that we are doing something right with Kayson.  That he will be a strong, helpful and caring husband some day... and an amazing dad.)

"One day, all your children will have is pictures of you. Make sure you're in them. No matter what your hair looks like, your makeup, or your body, they won't care about any of that - they'll just want to see you."  (This is a big one to me... I'm trying to get more pics of myself and Ryan with the kids.)

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