Monday, November 12, 2018

Weekend - and STRIDE 5k!

We stayed in...  long week...  tiring day...  just stayed in, plus it's starting to get super cold here!

Ryan went to the Iowa FB game with his Dad and Lester... super cold day for them, and a loss.  Not much fun in my opinion!  ha.  The kids and I stayed home...  we had a list of things we wanted to do... got a few of them done, then we gave up cuz it was cold out and we decided we'd rather be inside.  We went to the school book fair... always fun (but a little stressful with the two kids) - they pull me from side to side begging for everything.  Then we got Kayson some new shoes (again) at Scheels.  Man that kid - three months went by and his shoes are SHOT! 

Then we decided we were cold... ha.  So home it was.  It ended up being a super long and boring day for us.  I couldn't keep the kids busy enough with me... they wanted to be on their electronics of course.  But I tried...  a few board games, card games... and some coloring.  And that's about all I could do.  I guess I was bored as well.  Was a super long day!! 

A busy Sunday - church, then we hustled home to get ready for Kayson's STRIDE 5k. Trish, Greg and Papa Paul came down around noon...  we had literally just walked in the door from church!  We got ready/changed/ate about 3 bites of something... and we were out the door again. 

The STRIDE 5k, the runners were required to have a buddy to run with them...  I had given Kayson a few options, and he chose Uncle Greg, which I thought was nice.  Doesn't seem like there's many times that Kayson really 'connects' with Greg, but I tell you what - there's a great memory right there.  They had a great time... Greg said Kayson was a champ through the whole run, talked quite a bit while they were running (which makes me giggle), cheered on his friends whether they were passing or getting passed.  I love it.  Kayson did amazing, and I'm so proud of him!  Ryan timed the run (estimated in at about 28 minutes...ish). 

It was a cold afternoon, but we all survived!

We got back home around 3:15... and just hung out a little.  The kids were tired, we were too...  and then our Sunday night started, and now it's Monday morning already.  Super bummed!

Oh sassy pants.
One of the books K got

Sis with babies

Watching sandwiches being made... and look at her outfit!
Ginormous leaf!!
K and Uncle Greg
Papa Paul came to watch too!
Ryan was cold... so wore Greg's coat, which was much too small!  ha.

Our little cheerleader!
Kicking it into high gear at the end!!!  GO K!

All snuggled in... sweats, sweatshirt, stocking cap, blanket!

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