Sunday, November 26, 2023

Thanksgiving 2023 & Festival of Trees

Our Thanksgiving Holiday was a good one...  a much needed break from school for the kids, and from work for Ryan and me.  I tend to just realize that life is too short, and I just want to be home with my kids. 

Wednesday afternoon, I joined a few girl friends for a FRIENDS trivia at SmashPark - that was fun, a nice little change. 

Thursday we headed to Creston for the day.  I was so worried about Mike and being overwhelmed with all the company, but he did pretty well.  Most everyone was there, we enjoyed lunch, and played a few games in the afternoon.  Soon it was dark, and cold...  the kids did pretty well - keeping fairly busy.  We did make them play outside!!  Mike did pretty well - a lot of sitting, but each day since then, he's been doing better and sounding better.  Truly thankful for that. 

Friday we hung out at home... we decorated for Christmas (just the upstairs tree and Nativity scene) - and just enjoyed being home.  Then later in the afternoon, Cora danced at Festival of Trees downtown.  This was fun - we had an hour slot of entertainment at the Festival, and it was fun to see some of the dances that will be competing this season.  Cora danced her duet and two large group dances...  they did pretty well, but definitely have some work to do!

Saturday morning was a lazy morning...  just hung out at home, cleaned a little, ran to Fleet Farm...  then we headed to Clarion for turkey there.  Saturday was the first snowfall of the season too - not too much, but enough to cover the ground.  We had a nice time up there - Jill hosted, and we had great food...  and played a fun game with everyone too.  Was a very nice night. 

A great holiday weekend...  we all needed to recharge, and I think we did.  

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