Monday, November 29, 2021

Cora Nightmares??

The last 3 or 4 nights, our Cora has been experiencing some nightmares or walking in sleep/talking in sleep.  It has been very odd for her - as she's our quiet, hard sleeper and very rarely do we hear from her in the middle of the night. 

One evening, she had been asleep for about 2 hours...  and woke us up screaming 'bloody murder' as we like to call it - she was in the living room when she woke us screaming, sitting the couch with her iPad in her hands, screaming and crying.  It was very hard to get her to calm down... she was definitely 'out of it' and said she couldn't sleep.  

One evening, she had been sleeping just a short time, and came out of her room upset, explaining that she couldn't find her softie and she was going to play.  We got her into her room, and she was crying very hard telling us she was going to play, and then she was just inconsolable for a long period of time.  Eventually she 'woke' and was still pretty upset and took her awhile to calm back down. 

This is very upsetting to me and concerning...  I always wonder what's going on in these little minds.  When we try talking to her about it in the morning, she said she doesn't want to talk about it.  It's like she kind of remembers, but not enough to talk about it... but knows something happened and she's embarrassed.  Poor thing. 

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