Monday, September 21, 2015


I know, it's Monday... not Saturday.  Our weekend was busy and hence, I'm just getting around to posting!
Saturday was a day for me, the kids and my family.  Ryan was going to be going to the night Iowa football game, and I really didn't want to stick around at home.  So the kids and I headed up to Clarion for the day.  Our drive was interesting...  thanks to our daughter (or how I like to say 'Ryan's daughter').  :)  She just doesn't like it.  Period.  I've said this before - it's like she's 9 months old and has figured out that she doesn't like to be strapped in. We did ok for about 20 minutes... then the socks and shoes started being thrown at me, lots of screaming and spitting.  We had a long ways to go.  I tried what I could (but pretty difficult when I'm the one driving... and need to keep myself and the kids safe).  Kayson did well - he just sits there and watches her throw her fits.  Poor kid.  We FINALLY got to the farm.

We visited (as much as we could) with Mom.   She was confused and overwhelmed that we were there.  It's so hard.  The house is not my childhood home anymore... it's cluttered with crap, it's decorated with fall stuff (which, yes, it's fall, but it's been that way for 3 years - even in the heat of July).  It's dusty and just unorganized.  It's not my Mom and Dad's house.  It's sad.  Luckily it was a beautiful day, and we just sat outside.  (That made it a little easier for me).  I took some pictures of the kids on the farm, so we have the memories. 

We then went into town for lunch... and met everyone, except Ash (she had to work).  We had a nice lunch, and my kids ate!  HUGE!  Then we went to the park for a couple hours.  The kids had a great time, and were completely worn out by 2:30. 

We then just played at Tricia's for a while... I tried to get Cora to rest, but she wouldn't.  I even took her for a ride (again, like she's 9 months old!)... and it worked, until I had to get her out.  Bummer.  So we just pushed through her tiredness, and tried to keep her busy.  Hope needed a few things, so we went with her to the Dollar General store and just farted around, passing the time.  Then we headed to Jill and Jeff's for supper - pizza.  We had a really good time there... Kayson loves it there, and just being with cousin Ryan. 

We got baths taken there, and got on the road around 8:30.  It was a little later than I had planned, but it worked out perfectly - as Cora slept!!!!  The drive was quiet.  :) 

Overall, it was a good day.  It was fun (even though it's a lot of work).  
Been curling her hair... it's so pretty.

With Cousin Lindsay

Home of the Cowboys & Cowgirls

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