Thursday, June 24, 2010

Sick? I say 'Yes' & 'No'

Since Monday, Kayson's been crabby... tired... fussy... by Monday night I figured out it was his teeth again. I was rubbing Baby Orajel on his gums (on the top near the other two molars that are poking through), and rubbed some on his bottom gums... WOWZA - swollen, big bumps. Man, that hurts I'm sure! We haven't slept well since Monday night... Tuesday he seemed better, but Tuesday evening was another rough night... now he was experiencing his nasty cough that he gets and a runny nose. What a mess! Makes for a sad little boy and worried Momma. Wednesday, Aunt Tina & Uncle Blair stayed with Kayson for the day - they had a good day, he was in good spirits and took great naps for them. Wednesday night was better too - still up quite a bit, but not as bad. This morning we were up early (4ish), and he was on fire!!! 100 degree temp and really fussy. We got into the doctor, to check his ears and throat... he has an ear infection in the right ear, which is all related to the cough and runny nose and sore gums. We got some meds for the ear and was told to just keep giving him Motrin and Tylenol... "it'll get better."

It's true - it WILL get better... just takes some time (about 5 days of this). He's been pretty good today... took a great long nap this morning (and so did I), and we've just layed low. He's actually snuggling with me, which is SO nice!! Usually the ear medication really helps a ton by the first night, so I'm hoping for a good nights sleep tonight.

So I'm marking this up to being sick - with other 'growing' issues (teeth). Those darn teeth can really be the devil! I was talking with my boss the other day asking if when permanent teeth come in if it's this hard or they hurt - she said no... and sure hope that's the case! I would hate to do this again when he's older!! Poor thing.

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