Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Cora - Influenza B

My heart hurts just writing this blog.  I hate it.  I hate sickness, and am just so mad. 

Cora has come down with Influenza B.  Saturday morning, she was good, or what seemed to be good...  we headed out to Creston for a little Easter.  Around 1pm - Cora was exhausted, barely keeping her eyes open, and she was warm.  :(

We stayed just a little bit, then headed home... home to a high temp.  She was in fairly good spirits, complaining of nothing actually.  Her fever lingered on all evening and through the night.  Sunday morning (Easter Sunday), I took her to urgent care.  Positive for Influenza B.  My heart just sank - as I know there is nothing we can do besides pump her with Motrin and Tylenol and keep her hydrated.  Her fever was up and down all day... and then overnight (Sunday to Monday), it was high.  She was out of it...  sweating, but cold... all the things.  She ended up vomiting as well...  

Stats: 100 lbs., 5' 2"


Got Tamiflu in her (and she hates it).  Why can't any of this stuff taste better?!?!  Temp is still high... and she's exhausted, and bored.  


She slept all night, which was a plus... and woke fever free!  She was excited. However, her body started to warm up a little after awhile.  The cough is pretty annoying - pretty thick and sounds awful.   Tuesday was a positive day - she stayed fever free and seemed ok.  Definitely not 100%, but she's on the mend. 

getting some fresh air - for about 3 minutes!

Tuesday ended up being a really positive day... and Wednesday she woke up fever free again!  Her eyes are clear, and she's definitely better!!  The cough is still there, and probably will continue to linger. 

Happy to report this was fairly short lived!!

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