Saturday, August 21, 2021

Cora's 9th birthday!!

What!?  9 years old!?!?

I know this happens every year... but seriously, I can't believe she's 9.  Time just flies anymore, and it's sad.  I remember so much of her being 'little', and she's no longer little.  She's a big girl with a big attitude!!  Cora is caring, but won't show that very often.  She's funny, very funny actually.  I laugh at her (and with her) a lot.  She's strong and fierce at a lot of things - especially with her brother and dance.  

I'm proud of the little human she's become.  

For her birthday, I did take the day off.  I was needing a day off, and I knew she would need attention!  She was up early (earlier than she's been all summer of course!), and we just hung out in the morning.  Hope came and visited - we did lunch and played some board games.  The time flew by!!  Then in the afternoon Cora played with some neighbors and finally opened her gifts!!  (Ryan had been travelling and he requested her to wait until he got home!!)  :)

Then at night we had our end of the season Whiffle Ball game with the Aces family.  It was a fun night, and Cora had a good time getting attention from that family, and playing with friends.  

I think she had a successful day!


  1. it's great to see her panties again

  2. oh nice panty shot! That little skirt needs to be crumpled on the floor and her legs pinned up over her head
