Monday, March 22, 2021

Spring Break 2021

Well, as we scrolled through social media, it seemed as everyone went to the beach for Spring Break!  Well, we did not.  And that's fine.  I mean, we aren't huge travelers, but we did say - next year, we need to at least do something.  So we shall see!

But our week was pretty good.  

Monday - Caleb came and hung out with Kayson.  They had fun, and Cora enjoyed the time too.  Caleb is so kind to her.  He ended up staying over night (which was not a surprise!!)   They had a good time.  Tuesday was a quiet day...  I worked, and the kids just hung out.  The weather was half decent, so they did a few things outside.  Wednesday they spent the day with Hope.  (Thank goodness for her!)  They had a good day, and was nice having them out of the house!  

Then Thursday and Friday - I took those days off.  Thursday, we did a few errands together (and they didn't complain too much!), we had a good day - plenty of giggles and a little snuggling, which was nice.  We also went to a movie!!  Colleen and her crew were having a Private Watch Party, and invited us, super nice...  so we did that Thursday afternoon.  Friday Ryan took the day off too.  We enjoyed just being home. 

The weekend was nice too...  

Friday night, Kayson stayed with Caleb for his birthday get together...  good kids, but unfortunately, sleepovers are a lot for K.  The kids stay up too late and then they are early risers, and the lack of sleep is not good for Kayson.  He struggled a lot on Saturday - said his stomach hurt, he cried a lot... and just was not himself.  Saturday he had baseball practice, and that was a struggle, but he fought through...  

Saturday night Cora had dance for an hour, then her and I went out to a little get together for our new friend, Michelle (she's a dance mom).  She turned 40 a week ago, and some her family was hosting a party for her.  I felt we needed to go... and it was a good time.  Cora had a blast with some of the kids, so that was nice, but was mad when we needed to leave!

Sunday I taught Sunday School, then we were very productive --- a project in the garage - TV!!  We've been talking about that for a little while, and there was a decent priced TV at Costco, and it's now on the wall.  I'm excited, and will be nice to have when people are over, or we just want to enjoy the weather and watch a game or something.  The garage got cleaned, and organized, and I sold some big items too!!

Now it's back to reality for the kids and me.  I really enjoyed those few days off.  I know the kids were tired, but looking forward to seeing their friends.  

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