Sunday, June 30, 2024

Boomer - Seizure

Friday, June 21, Boomer had a seizure here at home. 


We have been prepping Boomer for a little vacation we are taking mid-July by taking him to Paws Inn for day stays.  He's been doing this for months - about 3 times a month or so, and it's not his favorite thing.  But we kept pushing through, we thought for sure he would get comfortable and it would be ok. 

Thursday, June 20, Boomer had a day stay.  He was there for a long time - about 8am til 5pm.  The staff said he had a rough day - very overwhelmed, stressed and just not happy.  That, of course, broke my heart.  I hate that, and honestly makes me so sad. 

We got home Thursday, gave him a bath, and he rested... just like any other time he's gone.  

Early Friday morning, he was restless laying with me...  so I woke and could tell he was really restless, soon he was stiff and I picked him up, trying to calm him, and I put him down, and he had a seizure, right there, in front of me.  I didn't even know what to do besides yelling his name.  Soon it was over, and I was holding him...  waking Ryan and telling him what happened. 

I was able to get into our new vet (which is a story in itself), and she was incredible with him.  Of course, by the time we got to the vet, Boomer seemingly was fine.  Nervous to be there, which is normal, but he was good.  We talked through everything... and in a nutshell, the vet suggested to remove Boomer from any stressful situations (boarding), and hope this never happens again.  She called it a "stress induced seizure".  

With that, we are removing him from boarding, keeping him home where he's safe with his humans...  and happy.  For our vacation in July, we will be having Jenna stay with him.  I hate to put people in that situation to stay at our home, but we have to have someone here - consistently and someone we know. 

Pray for this little guy...  I hope this never happens again. 

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