Monday, June 17, 2024

Summer, so far (thru mid-June)

The summer is going well...  it's hot already. 

Baseball is going ok -- unfortunately, Kayson was part of an incident last week that involved him videoing a player and passing that video on to friends...  he was caught, as you obviously are not supposed to do that - and he was suspended from baseball for a few days.  Very disappointing...  and I believe he has learned a lesson.  Or at least I hope. 

When K is not doing baseball, he's playing golf.  He just loves that sport.  He's went out a few times with Duke, so that's fun.  

Cora is doing well - and we are loving having Alivia help out this summer again.  Alivia is just with her Mon - Thurs, for about 4 hours a day or so.  The goal for that is to keep Cora off her iPad, and keep busy - pool, coloring, picnic, seeing some friends... and just enjoying the summer.  We unfortunately have already had to get on to Cora (& Kayson) for being lazy... and not helping out around the house.  Pick up your stuff - your bottles of drinks, cups, dishes, etc.  

Cora has still be hard at dance...  after recital, there are two weeks of 'intensives'.  Week 1 was good - in the morning, so that was good.  We are on Week 2 - late afternoon/evening.  It's definitely a good week of dance...  they work hard.  

We head to the Dells Sunday. 

Kayson spent a couple days with Hudsen and Reid at Hummel's lake house.  I know that was fun for them. K also has been helping with the 8U baseball team a little... 

We got to spend a little time with Aylah Saturday afternoon at the splash pad, that was fun. 

Ryan went over to Sioux City to see Tate play in his last baseball tournament. 

We also celebrated Duke's high school graduation.  That was a nice night seeing some family. 

Coach Taylor

Reid, Hud and K

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