Monday, July 1, 2024

Freshman baseball

Kayson has always enjoyed baseball - it may not be his favorite sport, but he enjoys it.  We had such a good experience with the Aces, but as we get older - things change, right!?  

He went out for High School Freshman baseball...  and it's been up and down.  There are so many kids out - I think like over 30 for just the Waukee side.  That's a lot of kids to give a chance to play and enjoy it at the same time!  Kayson was chosen for the B time, which is fine, and that's the right place for him... but unfortunately, it doesn't give him much of an opportunity to play.  There are some games where he doesn't play at all, or some where he plays about 4 innings.  That's a tough pill to swallow sometimes.  

We wrapped up baseball today...  a solid month and a half of baseball, and mostly it was games.  There were a few practices in May, but once the games started - that was it.  I find that hard too - you don't get much of a change to 'practice' and improve if you have games every single day.  It's just so different.  

Regardless, this year made me realize that this is not Kayson's passion.  I hate that for him, but it's just the way it is.  I know Ryan is disappointed in the season, but again, I just don't think Kayson is that interested.  I do not see him going out next year, but we will have that conversation later... 

A few pics of the season.  Thanks to Vinny!

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