Sunday, April 8, 2018

Weekend (and New Pastor!)

Ryan and I left a little early from work to get some things done...  like a will.  Finally, we are wrapping a will up.  It's been on my mind for years...  along with other things, but we've got it started/in the process, etc...  
During that time, I had heard that a dear friend of mine from HS (Rhonda) - her mom had passed.  She'd been sick with lung cancer, and it went SUPER fast.  I just was sick to my stomach... just ached.  Sad.  Sucks.  Also, a friend of Ryan's dad passed too.  Too much.  We'll be going separate ways this week to visitations and funerals.

Anyway, Friday night we stayed in... quiet night.  

The kids were up early.  6:20 to be exact.  I mean WHY!??!  I guess their little internal clocks are going off.  Too early.  We just hung out most of the morning.  Ryan had a breakfast 'date' with some church people and our potential new full-time minister.  It went well.  I got a few groceries to get through the weekend...  organized some clothes of the kids (getting prepped for a garage sale), did laundry, that's about it.  It was a nice day to just be home.  

Saturday around 5, Hope and Logan came over...  spent some time with us for a bit, then Ryan and I met Jess and Lex out for supper.  It was a little surprise for Jess's birthday.  There were two other couples there as well. Nice visit, great food... and exhausted.  Home by 10.  ha.  I could have been home by 9 really.  :)

The kids had a great time with Hope and Logan too.  Just makes my heart burst.  

This is the day the kids want to sleep in, when we have stuff going on!  Figures!
We had a big day at church today...  after a very long process of searching for a full-time minister, we had a candidate come today to visit, give a sermon and spend some time with us.  We 'approved' him to be our minister... with lots of clapping, smiles and big hearts.  I may have had a tear too... it's been a LONG process for Ryan.  He's spent HOURS on this... meetings away from us.  It's just been a lot.  I'm thankful that it's all over, and we can move forward... 

Cora and I ran to Target to get some necessities.  And that's been our day.  The weather, again, here is just crappy.  So random.  Today we have some snow falling...  and appears we will get a fair good amount.  Then by the end of the week, we are forcasted to see 70 degrees!??!  I'll believe it when I see it!  ha. 

We had sun shining in the door Friday night.  The kids soaked it up!!
Crimped hair - side pony!  Totally 80s!!  ha

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