Sunday, September 14, 2014


Oh our weekend is over...  I say the same thing (or at least think the same thing) every Sunday night around this time.  When it's quiet...  the kids are asleep...  I'm either finishing up laundry, or random stuff... including trying to be more consistent with this blogging thing.  It's quiet.  I'm enjoying it, but pissed that it's Sunday night already!  

Friday night:
We ate out real quick, then headed back home to just hang out.  It was a beautiful evening, so we started a fire and snuggled in the backyard.  Just us - it was good.  (but cold!!!)  

The kids and I hung out in the morning - did a grocery run while Ryan went to work.  We were unable to go to the Iowa/Iowa State game due to a wedding we needed to attend.   So we were home...  and our morning was ok.  I'm not a fan of taking my kids to the grocery store, but we had to.  We had no milk.  :)  Saturday afternoon we watched the game (disappointed!!!), did laundry, cleaned, all those normal house stuff - which was needed.  I needed to catch up with that stuff.   

Saturday night was the wedding - Ryan's boss' daughter.  We had Tiff (daycare teacher) come stay with the kids...  they love her.  (which is awesome!)  And we were off...  a chilly, outdoor ceremony, then followed by drinks, dinner and dancing downtown.  We had a really nice time with Ryan's co workers.  Good people.  

Kayson had a busy day this morning...  a play date with his friend, Riley from 9:30 - 11:30... then Riley's mom took them to a birthday party at SkyZone from 11:45 til 1:45.  POPULAR kid I guess.  ha.  So... we were without Kayson for almost 5 hours!!    So Ryan, Cora and I went shopping...  Cora needed some clothes, so we got her set for awhile (still needs shoes and a winter coat), but we are good for these fall temps!  I was pleased.  We also found K some jeans - FINALLY!  He's got 2 pairs, and those better last 3 months.  :)  (kid grows like a weed, but is still a rail!)  Anyway, we had a nice time with Cora - only one meltdown.  ha.  

The remainder of the day was football watching, more laundry and really kind of relaxing.  It was a nice day for us.  

I took a few random pictures with my phone over the weekend...  Like getting on the blog, I haven't really gotten my camera out.  I'm hoping by the end of this week, I'll feel better with work and a few other things.  I hope to not be such a mess!  :)

Kayson wanted to take our picture.  :)
This was last week...  but funny to see.  She did get herself 'unstuck' on her own.
Our Friday night fire.
Oh my babies.  They can be so sweet.

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