Sunday, September 7, 2014

Go Hawks!

Saturday, Ryan, Mike, Kayson and I went over to Iowa City...  it was a 2:30 game, so we didn't have to get up super early.  Kind of took our time in the morning, which was nice.  Cora stayed home with Grammie JeanAnn.  (She was upset when we left, but we were told she was fine shortly after we were gone - good!)

We got to the tailgate spot around 11:30...  just hung out, trying to keep Kayson happy.  It was rather boring for him, so I felt bad... I stuck around him most of the time...  Ryan played catch with him a little...  we listened to music...  he colored a little.  Then it was time to head in to the stadium.  

It was a BORING/not so good game.  Fans were frustrated... including us!!!  Big bummer... so we decided to head out during the middle of the 4th Quarter.  Iowa was behind and not looking good... at all.  We got to the truck... headed out - and Iowa got a touchdown.  And then another one shortly after!!!  So it was a WIN!!  And we missed it. HUGE bummer...  wish Kayson could have seen a touchdown! 

So we got home...  and the remainder of the night was quiet.  Tired parents, tired Kayson.  


With Papa Mike
Being goofy!

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