Monday, September 1, 2014

Hawks, Taylor Farm & Labor Day

Saturday we stayed in most of the day... Ryan chose to skip the Iowa/UNI game due to him being gone so much lately, and just wanting to be home.  I thought that was nice.  We watched the game...  well - he did, I tended to the kids and cleaned and did laundry.   Following the win, and a short nap for Cora, we headed down to Creston for the night.  

Sunday all the Taylor boys (Mike and his brothers), plus Ryan were going to work on the farm.  They've been talking about trying to sell some of the stuff there - some machinery and just help clean out some 'junk'.  The wives were there too, and some cousins (which was super for Kayson).  He had an amazing day helping on the farm, and just playing.  Such memories he's making on Papa Dicks farm.  I love that.  I helped a little, but to be honest - with Cora, I just can't get her to play on her own or with even the cousins...  such a bummer, so I fussed over her the entire day.  Luckily she did take a little nap.  Anyway, I took a few random pictures of the farm...  and looking back, I'm glad I did.  Again, good memories.  

We stuck around the farm all day and into the evening.  The men were dirty and exhausted!  :)  Around 8:30 we decided we had better pack up and go...  unfortunately, we met up with some terrible thunderstorms.  We probably should have turned around at some point as we couldn't see a damn thing!!!  (not fun in the dark), BUT Ryan got us home safely.  The kids were crashed during the whole drive, which I was thankful for!

And then today...  the reason we didn't stick around longer in Creston, is we wanted to be home today for a couple reasons - our yard needed mowed!!!  and Ryan had to leave for Minnesota tonight.  So we got some things done today... and also was kind of lazy as well.  

I think we are all still a little wiped out...  so I'm looking forward to bed tonight - and a short week this week.  I sure hope it's a non-stressful week at work.  

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