Saturday, September 20, 2014

Challenging Cora

I've chosen the word 'challenging' for Cora.  She's been a big challenge for me... for us... for her brother.  She's a lot of work. 
  • Whenever she's told 'no' (and it doesn't matter what it is regarding), she will attempt to hit the person who's told her no - or bite the person.  Her new thing is she'll bite herself if she's strapped in her car seat.  She'll also tug at her clothes or pull her tights up over her knees.  
  • This morning she hit me after I had told her no to fruit snacks... explaining she would have one after lunch.  I put her in her crib.  (I know - probably not the best thing, but she won't stay in time out at this point).  She was crying... a mad cry.  Then it got quiet.  I knew something was up.  I went in to her room - she had lowered her tights, taken off her diaper and peed all over her bed and blankets.   Awesome.
  • She goes to the pantry at least 1,000 times during a day when home...  this is exactly what Kayson did as well.  Maybe we don't feed her enough you think??  ha.  No, she's a snacker - which I get, she's 2, she's a kid, BUT there's this little thing called 'meals'.  She's gotta have them, so I'm putting my foot down.  GRR.  :)
  • She wants to do everything that brother does (whether it's an activity or something he's eating).  I get it... she looks up to him.  But this drives him bonkers.  I feel bad.  They have a true love/hate relationship...  there are times we have to completely separate them from each other.  They can't keep their hands off each other (which causes trouble).  They both can be such stinkers.   There are times Kayson can't wait for her to take a nap and/or go to bed.  Poor kid.
  • Cora also bites at her fingernails.  NOT GOOD.  The other day, she bit one too short that it started to bleed.  Good lord Cora May!! 
  • She's talking SO MUCH.  Today I realized she's say 4 word sentences.  This is way more than Kayson ever did at this age.  She seriously acts like she's 14.  Lord be with us.  :)
It's a darn good thing this child sleeps well... and is adorable.   See?


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