Friday, September 7, 2012

This & That

Well, I've made it through week one without Ryan here.  How was it?  Well - we survived.  ha.  It wasn't terrible, Cora was great (is great), and Kayson was pretty good.  Sure we had some evenings that I would like to erase, but for the most part, he was pretty good.  It's just literally trying to keep him busy and happy --- he doesn't like to play independently (which is hard), and he misses his Daddy terribly, so when he's mad at me, he really pushes the 'Missing Daddy' button.  

Getting Kayson to and from daycare has been ok too...  again, we have survived!  He loves daycare and loves to be there, so that's a HUGE plus.  I'm so thankful for that.  We even signed him up for another extra 'class' at daycare, so I think he's excited about that.  More activities is good.  

Cora and I have done a lot of nothing this week.  Besides getting out (taking and picking K up), Cora naps and eats like a champ.  I'm still so thrilled with how she is doing.  Today I had a chiropractor appointment, then we did a Target run.  It was nice to just browse a little and take my time...  so much different going during the day - not very many people, which was awesome!  Now it's back home - she's napping, I have laundry started, and I'll probably put my feet up.  

I'm really looking forward to having Ryan home...  Even though he will be off again tomorrow to Iowa City for the 'big' game, it'll still be nice.  I am realizing that having a newborn during the college football season is going to be interesting...  still a lot of solo-Mom time, but we'll get through it.  Thank goodness Cora is a good baby!  :)

Here's to a great weekend... and a Hawk win!

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