Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our Tuesday

We had a busy (and sweating) Tuesday morning.  I'll get to the sweating part in a bit!

First, I'll step back to Sunday evening...  after the kids were in bed (or at least Cora was resting), I was in the kitchen and saw a few ants.  (I know, gross).  So I cleaned them up...  Ryan took a look and got out the ant spray, just in case.  I had JUST scrubbed the floor Saturday afternoon too.  So I guess I thought we were good.  Ryan had mentioned - "it's been getting cooler, so maybe they are trying to get inside."  Good point.

Moving on to this morning.  
Kayson had an ear appointment (just a checkup), so we were able to kind of 'not rush' around this morning.  I made him and I some waffles, he ate great, and was just a good boy.  I went to move the toaster... and OMG - ANTS EVERYWHERE.  I tried really hard to not freak out.  They are just so gross.  I immediately started looking around more and cleaning them up... spraying too.  They all died instantly, thank god.  By this time, I needed to get Cora up and head out the door. So I left the dead ants there...  again, so gross.  

We headed out to the appointment.  Kayson was so good (thank goodness).  In the meantime, Cora filled her pants.  BIG TIME.  It was actually a complete blow out!!  Up her back, all over her legs... I mean really!??!  She got cleaned up, and instantly was hungry!  Of course.  By this time I was sweating!  :)  Kayson needed to have a hearing test, so I popped a bottle in her mouth, and we passed the time for a second.  The appointment was done, but Cora needed to finish!  We sat in the lobby and Kayson played and I fed Cora.  Finally - all done, and we are out the door.  

K is dropped off, and Cora and I head home.  She was tired, so she took a great nap, while I cleaned up the dead ants.  I scrubbed and scrubbed...  and scrubbed some more.  (more sweating here too!)  I feel better - everything is cleaned. 

So today I've spent most of the day cleaning...  and doing laundry.  I guess doing all that scrubbing really made me feel like the house was a disaster, which it's not, but I felt like things really needed to be done.  

And now moving on to a few pictures of my babies.
My big boy and my 3 week old!
Helping Daddy clean the truck!

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