Monday, September 24, 2012

Babble Babble

My babbling for today...  emotions... 
  • Cora is 5 weeks old today.  This makes me sad, but happy too...  we've survived and are doing GREAT. (Second child is so easier than the first - way more relaxed!)  But the time has just went too fast.  I mean, really??  Why does that happen?  BOO!
  • Kayson is doing well... loving daycare (his new, big boy room).  We are thrilled that he loves daycare!  (Which is nice, because we sometimes think he hates to be at home!)  BOO again!  We have our challenges, every single night.  Anything from him not wanting to play AT ALL, to him just whining constantly.  I'm ready for the whining stage to be over.  Will it ever end?
  • I didn't feel well today...  wiped out, icky, headache and a little feverish.  I feel better tonight.
  • Even being on maternity leave and having Cora be an amazing baby, I still wish I got more done around the house... but I just don't.  I can keep up on laundry, but I feel that's about it.  It's hard, or more exhausting than I thought it would be.  I'm sure it'll get better as each week goes by.
  • I'm loving this weather...  It's nice to be able to get outside during the evenings with Cora.  If Kayson wants to play, we can just put her in the stroller and she's content.  She likes the outdoors.
  • I can't decide if I should continue to provide breastmilk for Cora.  I'm not producing a whole lot, but way more than I did with Kayson.  So I feel that I should keep doing it, but then again, not sure if it's worth it.  Very confused!
  • And anxious...  I'm making a trip to Clarion tomorrow with the kids by myself.  I'm anxious to just be there and safe!

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