Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Life After Pregnancy

  • No more heartburn!  I mean, it was INSTANTLY after Cora was born, no more!  I did have some heartburn when I was in labor... and I asked the nurse if I could have a tums, and I could!  ha.  I thought that was kinda funny.
  • JIGGLE JIGGLE.  Need a say more!?  Gonna have to really work on this flab that's going on around the mid-section!
  • I ache.  Still.  My sides hurt, and ab muscles are still sore/tender.  Again, need to stretch and work on that a little!
  • I can move!!!  Faster.  :)  I can keep up with Kayson, if I'm not toting Cora around.  So that's nice.
  • I can sleep on my tummy...  at least for a little bit until my boobs start to hurt.  Is that too much information?!?!  ha.
  • I have a beautiful baby girl.  It's funny to think that Cora is going to change so much in the next weeks and months...  and I'll only keep thinking that she's the most beautiful baby girl I've seen.  
  • I get a break from work.  Right now, I honestly can't imagine going back to work and juggling two kids (especially if/when Ryan is traveling), but for now, I'm going to soak this in as much as possible.  
  • My allergies are back.  Whenever I'm pregnant, my allergies are non-existent!  Big bummer that I'm experiencing them now.
  • Dry skin.  I'm pretty sure this is mostly from me producing milk (and the change in weather), but I could probably lather lotion on my hands and arms every 10 minutes!  It just soaks in!
  • I have to learn to talk to a baby again.  When you have been having conversations with a 3 1/2 year old for a couple years now, it's much different just talking TO a baby... not WITH her yet.  ha.  I feel silly sometimes!  ha. 
  • Lastly - just feeling blessed.  Sure I feel overwhelmed and emotional from time to time, but hands down, I'm blessed to have Kayson and Cora, and Ryan.  We are very lucky to have our little family 'complete'. 

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