Saturday, September 29, 2012

Frustration & Smiles

1.  I've been trying on 'real' clothes tonight.  We have a small family get together tomorrow in Creston - for some family to meet Cora.  I'd really like to wear regular pants - not maternity, not my black yoga type pants.  Jeans is what I prefer.  I'm having big troubles finding any that will even go over my hips, or a pair that I can button...  without a muffin-top.  It's funny to think back - when I was about 40 weeks, I had gained like 26 pounds I think -- I thought, "that's not terrible, and my body should be good afterward".  Not so much... or at least not yet.  I know, it's only been (almost) 6 weeks, but when I'm nonstop, I would have thought things would be back to (almost) normal.  It's frustrating...  kind of depressing too.  I guess my goal for next week is to really get out and walk (maybe even jog) a little.  I've also got to cut out those damn sweets... and chocolate.  BOO!

2.  Quincy had surgery Friday morning.  Thursday evening I was petting him and he was chewing on his feet (which he does a lot), and I hollered at him and felt a big bump on his leg.  It was a gross, swollen, oozing bump.  I called Friday morning, got him in and they instantly said he needed it removed.  She called it some sort of tumor.  It was removed (and will be sent to a lab for research), and he was sent home Friday evening.  He was groggy and sad.  I felt bad for him.  Now he has to wear this for about 6 to 10 days.  He hates it.  Along with feeling bad for him, that vet bill was out of control = frustrating.

1.  Kayson, Cora and I were home today... while Ryan and Mike went to the FB game... with a win, thank goodness!  We didn't do much today, which I feel bad, but it's a lot harder to go do fun things (like park, mall, errands) when I have two to tote around, and when trying to figure out when Cora needs to eat, etc.  Anyway, so we stayed in all day... and just hung out.  I did get Kayson to hold Cora for 2 seconds for this picture.  Here's my smiles.

2.  And this makes me laugh.  She looks so uncomfortable, but she's out.  Too cute.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

A Get Away

Tuesday morning, Kayson, Cora and I made a trip to Clarion.  My sisters had some time off from work, so we talked and thought spending a day together would be nice, something different.  There was also a volleyball game we could see, so that was another reason to get home.  

We spent the day just hanging out...  a super short nap was taken by Kayson, which made for a disappointing afternoon, but we survived.  Ryan was actually working in Fort Dodge, so he just came to Clarion when he was done, so he could see some family and the VB game.  It worked out perfectly.  

We all got to bed late and up early today!  Ryan headed back to Fort Dodge, the kids and I hung out with Grandma a little... and Kayson got to be farmer for a little bit!  Papa Paul gave us a ride in the combine (out in the field and everything!).  Kayson loved it, it was so sweet.  

Before lunch, one of my tires looked low...  a nail was found, so I had that fixed while in Clarion, so that's taken care of.  Then had a quick lunch with Jill, then headed back to DSM.  Kayson was asleep before we got out of Clarion!  

It was a nice little get away, however, I'm not going to lie - I'm wiped out.  Packing, hauling and taking care of two kids away from home is a little overwhelming.  We had so many bags, and burp rags, and outfits... you name it!  I know we had everything we needed, and we had help, however, it's just different...  a different kind of exhausting!  I'm looking forward to putting my feet up in 20 minutes and watching the new CSI!  :)

Here are a few pictures from Tuesday and this morning.

Before the combine ride!
Look at that grin!!!  So pretty.
For 30 minutes, all the kids were together.  So awesome!  

Monday, September 24, 2012

Babble Babble

My babbling for today...  emotions... 
  • Cora is 5 weeks old today.  This makes me sad, but happy too...  we've survived and are doing GREAT. (Second child is so easier than the first - way more relaxed!)  But the time has just went too fast.  I mean, really??  Why does that happen?  BOO!
  • Kayson is doing well... loving daycare (his new, big boy room).  We are thrilled that he loves daycare!  (Which is nice, because we sometimes think he hates to be at home!)  BOO again!  We have our challenges, every single night.  Anything from him not wanting to play AT ALL, to him just whining constantly.  I'm ready for the whining stage to be over.  Will it ever end?
  • I didn't feel well today...  wiped out, icky, headache and a little feverish.  I feel better tonight.
  • Even being on maternity leave and having Cora be an amazing baby, I still wish I got more done around the house... but I just don't.  I can keep up on laundry, but I feel that's about it.  It's hard, or more exhausting than I thought it would be.  I'm sure it'll get better as each week goes by.
  • I'm loving this weather...  It's nice to be able to get outside during the evenings with Cora.  If Kayson wants to play, we can just put her in the stroller and she's content.  She likes the outdoors.
  • I can't decide if I should continue to provide breastmilk for Cora.  I'm not producing a whole lot, but way more than I did with Kayson.  So I feel that I should keep doing it, but then again, not sure if it's worth it.  Very confused!
  • And anxious...  I'm making a trip to Clarion tomorrow with the kids by myself.  I'm anxious to just be there and safe!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Cora - 1 Month Old

1 Month Old!

  • Eating 4.5 oz. to 5 oz. 
  • Loves to be swaddled at bed time (and during fussy times!)
  • Smiles at us!!
  • Kicks her legs when having awake time.
  • Loves the outdoors - we try to be outside at night time (for Kayson), she enjoys the fresh air!
  • Eating about every 3 to 3.5 hours.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Cora's Growing

Our baby girl is growing... fast.  She's eating more (nearly 4.5 oz. or 5 oz. at feedings), she's awake for about an hour (sometimes more) after feedings, then sleeps hard for a good couple hours.  She's doing well at bedtime (we get anywhere from 4.5 to 5.5 hours of sleep at a time!)  We are so blessed.  

Here are a few recent pictures of our 'Sugar' as I call her.  :)  (all from my phone).  I promise to upload some from the good camera.  :)

Yes, Sweet like her Mom.  :)
And yep, Daddy's Princess.  :)  Love it!
Such a sweet face.  Melts me!!

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Future Accountant & Bean Counter

This morning Kayson and I went to the book store, while Daddy and Cora went to his work.  Yes, she worked hard --- creating two dirty diapers for Daddy in a short amount of time.  Too funny!

Kayson and I headed to Ryan's work after the book store, so we could take Cora home with us, while Daddy worked a little longer.  While at Ryan's work, Kayson was curious as to what the hard hats were for in Daddy's office.  For safety of course.  :)

And this is what we ended up with.  How freaking cute is this?!?  The future Kayson Taylor, Accountant (and Bean Counter) for Gardiner Thomsen. 

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Life After Pregnancy

  • No more heartburn!  I mean, it was INSTANTLY after Cora was born, no more!  I did have some heartburn when I was in labor... and I asked the nurse if I could have a tums, and I could!  ha.  I thought that was kinda funny.
  • JIGGLE JIGGLE.  Need a say more!?  Gonna have to really work on this flab that's going on around the mid-section!
  • I ache.  Still.  My sides hurt, and ab muscles are still sore/tender.  Again, need to stretch and work on that a little!
  • I can move!!!  Faster.  :)  I can keep up with Kayson, if I'm not toting Cora around.  So that's nice.
  • I can sleep on my tummy...  at least for a little bit until my boobs start to hurt.  Is that too much information?!?!  ha.
  • I have a beautiful baby girl.  It's funny to think that Cora is going to change so much in the next weeks and months...  and I'll only keep thinking that she's the most beautiful baby girl I've seen.  
  • I get a break from work.  Right now, I honestly can't imagine going back to work and juggling two kids (especially if/when Ryan is traveling), but for now, I'm going to soak this in as much as possible.  
  • My allergies are back.  Whenever I'm pregnant, my allergies are non-existent!  Big bummer that I'm experiencing them now.
  • Dry skin.  I'm pretty sure this is mostly from me producing milk (and the change in weather), but I could probably lather lotion on my hands and arms every 10 minutes!  It just soaks in!
  • I have to learn to talk to a baby again.  When you have been having conversations with a 3 1/2 year old for a couple years now, it's much different just talking TO a baby... not WITH her yet.  ha.  I feel silly sometimes!  ha. 
  • Lastly - just feeling blessed.  Sure I feel overwhelmed and emotional from time to time, but hands down, I'm blessed to have Kayson and Cora, and Ryan.  We are very lucky to have our little family 'complete'. 

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Our Tuesday

We had a busy (and sweating) Tuesday morning.  I'll get to the sweating part in a bit!

First, I'll step back to Sunday evening...  after the kids were in bed (or at least Cora was resting), I was in the kitchen and saw a few ants.  (I know, gross).  So I cleaned them up...  Ryan took a look and got out the ant spray, just in case.  I had JUST scrubbed the floor Saturday afternoon too.  So I guess I thought we were good.  Ryan had mentioned - "it's been getting cooler, so maybe they are trying to get inside."  Good point.

Moving on to this morning.  
Kayson had an ear appointment (just a checkup), so we were able to kind of 'not rush' around this morning.  I made him and I some waffles, he ate great, and was just a good boy.  I went to move the toaster... and OMG - ANTS EVERYWHERE.  I tried really hard to not freak out.  They are just so gross.  I immediately started looking around more and cleaning them up... spraying too.  They all died instantly, thank god.  By this time, I needed to get Cora up and head out the door. So I left the dead ants there...  again, so gross.  

We headed out to the appointment.  Kayson was so good (thank goodness).  In the meantime, Cora filled her pants.  BIG TIME.  It was actually a complete blow out!!  Up her back, all over her legs... I mean really!??!  She got cleaned up, and instantly was hungry!  Of course.  By this time I was sweating!  :)  Kayson needed to have a hearing test, so I popped a bottle in her mouth, and we passed the time for a second.  The appointment was done, but Cora needed to finish!  We sat in the lobby and Kayson played and I fed Cora.  Finally - all done, and we are out the door.  

K is dropped off, and Cora and I head home.  She was tired, so she took a great nap, while I cleaned up the dead ants.  I scrubbed and scrubbed...  and scrubbed some more.  (more sweating here too!)  I feel better - everything is cleaned. 

So today I've spent most of the day cleaning...  and doing laundry.  I guess doing all that scrubbing really made me feel like the house was a disaster, which it's not, but I felt like things really needed to be done.  

And now moving on to a few pictures of my babies.
My big boy and my 3 week old!
Helping Daddy clean the truck!

Friday, September 7, 2012

This & That

Well, I've made it through week one without Ryan here.  How was it?  Well - we survived.  ha.  It wasn't terrible, Cora was great (is great), and Kayson was pretty good.  Sure we had some evenings that I would like to erase, but for the most part, he was pretty good.  It's just literally trying to keep him busy and happy --- he doesn't like to play independently (which is hard), and he misses his Daddy terribly, so when he's mad at me, he really pushes the 'Missing Daddy' button.  

Getting Kayson to and from daycare has been ok too...  again, we have survived!  He loves daycare and loves to be there, so that's a HUGE plus.  I'm so thankful for that.  We even signed him up for another extra 'class' at daycare, so I think he's excited about that.  More activities is good.  

Cora and I have done a lot of nothing this week.  Besides getting out (taking and picking K up), Cora naps and eats like a champ.  I'm still so thrilled with how she is doing.  Today I had a chiropractor appointment, then we did a Target run.  It was nice to just browse a little and take my time...  so much different going during the day - not very many people, which was awesome!  Now it's back home - she's napping, I have laundry started, and I'll probably put my feet up.  

I'm really looking forward to having Ryan home...  Even though he will be off again tomorrow to Iowa City for the 'big' game, it'll still be nice.  I am realizing that having a newborn during the college football season is going to be interesting...  still a lot of solo-Mom time, but we'll get through it.  Thank goodness Cora is a good baby!  :)

Here's to a great weekend... and a Hawk win!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Cora - 2 Week Well Check

Cora is 2 weeks and 1 day old already...  amazing.  She's such a great baby...  she's beautiful, she's aware of things going on, she's sleeps well, she's eats awesome, she's just so wonderful.  We are so blessed.  

Today I took her for her 2 week well check appointment.  She did great!  
Here are her stats:
Weight - 8 lbs. 3 oz. (50%)
Height - 21" (85%)
Head Cir - 14 1/4" (80%)

Doctor was thrilled at her weight...  she's growing and well above her birth weight.  So with that, the doctor said we can stop waking her at 4 hours in the middle of the night.  Now, I'm not sure if she'll make it longer than 4 or 4 1/2 hours, but either way, it'll be nice to just see what she can do.  :)  Especially this week and next since Ryan is in MN.  

So, overall, the appointment was great...  I'm thrilled that Cora is doing so well.  Makes this Momma happy. 

A few new pictures of her and the family:
Does so well at bath time!
My Hawkeye Babies!
Cousin Lindsay talking with Cora!