Monday, February 17, 2020


We had a weekend with NO BASKETBALL, and it was heaven!  (Can you tell I'm over basketball!!??!)

Valentine's Day - oh it was special.  I joke.  We stayed in with Boomer, cuz that's what we do!  We ordered pizza, and just hung out.  It was great. 
Friday afternoon, I attended Kayson's LAST SCHOOL PARTY!!!  Insert tears!  Man, I can't believe it.  It was fun to watch him with some of his friends, and his teachers...  but all the while, aching inside.  I just can't believe it. 

Ryan went to work.  Kids and I hung out.  Played with Boomer - well - attempted to keep him busy.  Man he was naughty!  We walked him, we played...  then I HAD to get something done, so he went to his kennel and cried and cried!  I finally scrubbed the kitchen floor, and did a bunch of cleaning... without him at my feet biting me!  Stinker. 

Saturday afternoon we met a couple who is going to assist us with letting Boomer out every once in awhile.  Ryan can't do it all the time, and it's nearly impossible for me to run home from downtown.  So this couple is going to help out a little starting in March.  Hoping it goes well. 

We then did a few errands, and got out of the house, so that was good... 

then Saturday night we met Mike, Holly and the boys for Mexican food, which was great... then went to their house to hang out for a bit. We ended up taking Boomer, so he met Ozzy (I was nervous), but they actually did awesome - which was fun to see.  They played hard for about an hour... then we headed home.  Cora was beat. 

All the Sunday afternoon things...  and learning of Aunt Maagie.  

With my buddy Caleb!

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