Monday, February 3, 2020

Kayson - 11 Year Well Check

Finally getting to K's well check...   but also realized that it's probably not super duper important to have this right after his birthday.  The nurse seemed to make me think that we could have just come whenever.  

Anyway, with the 11 year well check, the kiddo gets shots.  Unfortunately - 4 of them, AND a finger prick.  Oh my goodness.  Kayson was a nervous wreck...  I felt so bad for him.  

Dr Beebe visited with us for just a few minutes, did a quick look-over with K, and that was it.  She did say that he's not at puberty yet... and doesn't expect it soon.  So he hopefully will grow a little in the next year or so...  Easy, but then the nurse came in... and the tears fell.  Man, I just held his hand and he cried.  Broke my heart. 

Shots -
Flu (which I was less than thrilled with, but I got the 'look' from the doctor)

Finger prick was a cholesterol check.  Yes - for 11 year olds.  It was good.

74 lbs.
4' 9.5"

this makes me laugh out loud

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