Monday, February 10, 2020

Weekend & Basketball

Another weekend of busy!  I'm ready for basketball to be done!!!  Bad mom?!?!


I left a little early from work - had lunch with Jen and Sarah, so that was nice... then home, logged into work and unfortunately, Boomer kept me so busy with him biting and getting into everything that I didn't really work at all!  Yikes.  
I took him back to the vet for a couple vaccines...  and unfortunately, those messed with him a lot.  That evening he was a mess - lethargic and anytime you touched him, he yelped bad.  I felt awful, and was frankly a little worried about him.  He slept quite a bit, then about 9pm, he started acting a little more normal.  Thank goodness.

Anyway, we stayed in Friday night obviously...  it was an ok night, we got out a puzzle and worked on that a little... and worried about Boomer... and that was about it. 


Up early... for no real reason, but we were.  I did a bunch of stuff around the house, again - in between dealing with Boomer and getting him to not bite everything!  (That's a chore in itself!)  Ryan did some work at the church... then we were off to Ames for basketball.  First game was a loss... not very good, then we had a super long break in between games, so we ended up coming home.  It was just too long for Boomer, and for us too.  Cora ended up going to a friends house for a couple hours, so that was nice for her...  I just hung out, which was nice.  

Saturday late afternoon, we headed back to Ames for our 2nd game.  We ended up winning that game, so that was fun!  ha.  Then we got to see Scott, Niky, Duke and Britt at Duke's game - talked to them for about 20 minutes... then headed back home.  Late night, and we were all tired.  


K and Ryan headed back to Ames at 6:45am.  TERRIBLE!!!  Apparently it was a super close game, but we ended with the loss.  So bummed.  Felt bad.  Cora and I headed to Sunday School, and K and Ryan got there right in time for church.  Kayson was bummed, and tired... felt bad for the kid.  He just wants to win! 

Sunday afternoon we just hung out... did all the things around the house, did a Target run, got groceries, all the Sunday things.  

I actually took pictures this weekend!!

Thank you for coming Aunt Tricia & Uncle Greg

Seriously love when he sleeps!

They spent their money at Target!!  OMG!  hahaha

This literally cracks me up!

Look at them ears!

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