Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Waukee Warriors 5th Grade Basketball Evaluation

With the basketball team Kayson is on, they provide two evaluations, which is cool.  One was done mid-season (so must have been about December-ish), and it was as we expected - he had some things to work on.  

Well, last night he had his 'end of the season' evaluation, and Ryan was able to join K and Coach Brent.  Overall, and probably the most important thing I took away from this was --- He has improved tremendously, and per Coach - has improved as much this year as any player in their entire program.  (kind of pulls at the heart strings a little!)  In addition, he is coachable, which is huge - huge for Kayson, huge for us (thinking we've done something right!), he has a great attitude and has strengthened in defense, rebounding and shooting. 

When Ryan came home and talked about all of this, tears just fell.  I was so proud of Kayson...  especially since basketball is hard, and there's a lot to learn (with the competition we are in), and you have to be strong.  He's improved and makes me so happy. 

Coach's comments from his evaluation:

Kayson was so much fun to coach this year. As I told him during our mid-season review - Kayson has improved as much this year as any player in our entire program. It's a credit to his ability to take coaching, his willingness to push himself out of his comfort zone, and his hard work. He should be very proud of the improvement he made this year.

The next step in Kayson's development is to continue to get stronger with the ball, working on a hard rip-through move/jab-step. Improving this ball -handling with both hands will give him the ability to keep his head up as hie dribbles through traffic and allow him to see the open man quicker. 

I'd challenge Kayson to continue to work on his finishing around the rim - Mikan drills is a great one for this. Game-speed ball handling drills with a focus on his left hand. And shooting form focusing on a strong base. (feet-shoulder width, "heel-ball-ball" and keeping his guide hand off the ball). I'm excited to see how much he can improve between now and next basketball season!

All of these comments just warm the heart.  
We are going to try hard to work on all these things over the summer and fall to improve him, get him stronger (and not just for basketball - but for baseball, running, all the things!)

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Mid-Week and Weekend

Throwing a lot of stuff into our mix of the past week!!
We headed to St. Joe Wednesday afternoon for Aunt Maagie's visitation.  A nice visit with several people we hadn't seen in awhile...  so that was nice.  But always a rush for things like this - man, working/school all day, then driving 2.5 hours, then visiting for a couple hours, a late supper, and all the kids wanted to do was play (and it was 9pm already).  Just was busy.  
Anyway, we survived the night in the hotel - kids didn't sleep all that well (seemed to moan and toss and turn all night!!!).  Boomer was with us, so that was a challenge in itself - I mean, overall, he actually did well, but just like having a 3rd child that had to go outside a lot!  ha. 

Thursday morning was the service for Aunt Maagie... again, really nice, and quick.  A quick little burial service too...  a nice lunch... then back to Aunt Maagie's to go through some things and visit some more.  It was a super quick trip, and exhausting...  

We headed back to DSM about 2pm... as the kids had activities that night.  I know they were pooped!  

Work/school day - and I know I was tired.  I worked hard, but was super tired, and just wanted to close my eyes!

Friday night, Kayson and a few of this classmates sang the Star Spangled Banner at the Waukee Boys BBall game.  So that was fun... we hung out and sat with Daugherty's, so that was good to visit with them, and watch the game.  

Saturday am - Cora attended the Waukee Dance Team clinic!! She was with her friend Zoe, and Brittlyn, so those few hours was great for her!  

While she was there, I did a bunch of stuff at home...  always non stop I tell ya!  

Saturday afternoon we hung out at home...  continued to do a bunch of stuff.  I organized, cleaned and all the things.  

Saturday night we then headed to Ames for basketball - a 6pm game and a 8pm.  Unfortunately we lost both... just didn't do very well.  We seem to struggle!  Cora and I drove separate which was good, so we actually headed home earlier, and I was able to get her to bed at a half decent time.  

A rough night of sleep.  Mr. Boomer thought waking up at 2:20 am was fun.  He did lay down with me, however, it was not comfortable, and I was so worried he was going to jump down and just be naughty.  SO TIRED.

K and Ryan headed back to basketball - in Nevada this morning.  Early.  Cora and I stayed home and hung out a bit... then headed up there.  The boys won both games today, so that was super nice... the boost of confidence they needed.  I know they've been frustrated losing a lot lately.  

So finally back home about 3pm.  Groceries, laundry, and relaxing a little.  I'm pooped. 

Tate &  K walking Boomer
Mr Rhett - getting big and so sweet

The team!

Monday, February 17, 2020


We had a weekend with NO BASKETBALL, and it was heaven!  (Can you tell I'm over basketball!!??!)

Valentine's Day - oh it was special.  I joke.  We stayed in with Boomer, cuz that's what we do!  We ordered pizza, and just hung out.  It was great. 
Friday afternoon, I attended Kayson's LAST SCHOOL PARTY!!!  Insert tears!  Man, I can't believe it.  It was fun to watch him with some of his friends, and his teachers...  but all the while, aching inside.  I just can't believe it. 

Ryan went to work.  Kids and I hung out.  Played with Boomer - well - attempted to keep him busy.  Man he was naughty!  We walked him, we played...  then I HAD to get something done, so he went to his kennel and cried and cried!  I finally scrubbed the kitchen floor, and did a bunch of cleaning... without him at my feet biting me!  Stinker. 

Saturday afternoon we met a couple who is going to assist us with letting Boomer out every once in awhile.  Ryan can't do it all the time, and it's nearly impossible for me to run home from downtown.  So this couple is going to help out a little starting in March.  Hoping it goes well. 

We then did a few errands, and got out of the house, so that was good... 

then Saturday night we met Mike, Holly and the boys for Mexican food, which was great... then went to their house to hang out for a bit. We ended up taking Boomer, so he met Ozzy (I was nervous), but they actually did awesome - which was fun to see.  They played hard for about an hour... then we headed home.  Cora was beat. 

All the Sunday afternoon things...  and learning of Aunt Maagie.  

With my buddy Caleb!

Erma Jean Hargis

Aunt Maagie, age 94, passed away Sunday, February 16. 
We knew her health (or stability) was going down over the past 6 months or so... but honestly, we never thought we would lose her this soon.  She started experiencing some hallucinating over the past week maybe... and just wasn't herself, not knowing anyone and we think her organs were just shutting down.  (Of course we weren't with her, but that's how I understand it).  

Hospice was called in Friday maybe... and she was in a Hospice Home where a nice lady looked after her 24/7.  And unfortunately, she passed...  

It just breaks out hearts.  Gosh, Aunt Maagie was such a beautiful lady and a sweet soul.  Seems that the runs in the family over there!  She was just so sweet, and always so 'on top of things' with our kids and us... and so enjoyed having our crazy kids at her tiny little home.  

She was a blessed lady and I pray she is happy and better now. 

We love you Aunt Maagie.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Kayson - 13th Lost tooth

I think it's #13!
So K's teeth have been the talk of the house over the past couple months - he has a lot to lose still and needs to (otherwise, they'll be pulled!!)  We had went to the orthodontist a couple weeks ago for a quick check --- basically, can't do anything until some of them come out. 

At that time, there were a couple loose...  

Last night, we were having some quiet time, and K says "I think my tooth is loose."  Ok... so we looked at it, didn't think it was THAT loose, and we sat some more...  then all of the sudden, he says "my tooth just fell out!!"  Well that was easy!!  :)

We think it's #13... so that's exciting!

Monday, February 10, 2020

Weekend & Basketball

Another weekend of busy!  I'm ready for basketball to be done!!!  Bad mom?!?!


I left a little early from work - had lunch with Jen and Sarah, so that was nice... then home, logged into work and unfortunately, Boomer kept me so busy with him biting and getting into everything that I didn't really work at all!  Yikes.  
I took him back to the vet for a couple vaccines...  and unfortunately, those messed with him a lot.  That evening he was a mess - lethargic and anytime you touched him, he yelped bad.  I felt awful, and was frankly a little worried about him.  He slept quite a bit, then about 9pm, he started acting a little more normal.  Thank goodness.

Anyway, we stayed in Friday night obviously...  it was an ok night, we got out a puzzle and worked on that a little... and worried about Boomer... and that was about it. 


Up early... for no real reason, but we were.  I did a bunch of stuff around the house, again - in between dealing with Boomer and getting him to not bite everything!  (That's a chore in itself!)  Ryan did some work at the church... then we were off to Ames for basketball.  First game was a loss... not very good, then we had a super long break in between games, so we ended up coming home.  It was just too long for Boomer, and for us too.  Cora ended up going to a friends house for a couple hours, so that was nice for her...  I just hung out, which was nice.  

Saturday late afternoon, we headed back to Ames for our 2nd game.  We ended up winning that game, so that was fun!  ha.  Then we got to see Scott, Niky, Duke and Britt at Duke's game - talked to them for about 20 minutes... then headed back home.  Late night, and we were all tired.  


K and Ryan headed back to Ames at 6:45am.  TERRIBLE!!!  Apparently it was a super close game, but we ended with the loss.  So bummed.  Felt bad.  Cora and I headed to Sunday School, and K and Ryan got there right in time for church.  Kayson was bummed, and tired... felt bad for the kid.  He just wants to win! 

Sunday afternoon we just hung out... did all the things around the house, did a Target run, got groceries, all the Sunday things.  

I actually took pictures this weekend!!

Thank you for coming Aunt Tricia & Uncle Greg

Seriously love when he sleeps!

They spent their money at Target!!  OMG!  hahaha

This literally cracks me up!

Look at them ears!

Monday, February 3, 2020

Kayson - 11 Year Well Check

Finally getting to K's well check...   but also realized that it's probably not super duper important to have this right after his birthday.  The nurse seemed to make me think that we could have just come whenever.  

Anyway, with the 11 year well check, the kiddo gets shots.  Unfortunately - 4 of them, AND a finger prick.  Oh my goodness.  Kayson was a nervous wreck...  I felt so bad for him.  

Dr Beebe visited with us for just a few minutes, did a quick look-over with K, and that was it.  She did say that he's not at puberty yet... and doesn't expect it soon.  So he hopefully will grow a little in the next year or so...  Easy, but then the nurse came in... and the tears fell.  Man, I just held his hand and he cried.  Broke my heart. 

Shots -
Flu (which I was less than thrilled with, but I got the 'look' from the doctor)

Finger prick was a cholesterol check.  Yes - for 11 year olds.  It was good.

74 lbs.
4' 9.5"

this makes me laugh out loud

Sunday, February 2, 2020


We made it through our first full week with Boomer... definitely some ups and downs!!  He's all puppy, but I'd say overall, he's doing well.  

Friday night we stayed in... not much going on, which was nice. 

We had a FULL day of basketball - literally. 
We had games at 8am, 2pm and 5pm.  Seriously.  We were up early, out the door...  it was a loss, back home and we just did this and that at home.  I actually got a few things done, so that was nice.  We ate a quick lunch, then Ryan and K went back to Grand Slam, and Cora and I headed to Indianola for a little surprise birthday party for my long time friend, Melissa... she'll be 50 in a few days!  It was a great little surprise for her.  I'm glad we went, visited with her for a little bit, then back on the road.  Meanwhile - K's team lost again... 

We met back up at home for a little bit...  JeanAnn and Grandma Janis had come to watch the basketball games, and they met Boomer, so that was fun. Boomer did well with the new people.

Then back for the last game at 5pm... and another loss.  We struggled this weekend... didn't do very well, we cannot rebound the ball for anything... and we had a ton of turnovers.  So frustrating for the boys.  Poor kids. 

We grabbed supper with the Grandmas...  poor service, but was a nice time.  

Unfortunately, Boomer was up about 4:45 am...  and he's a puppy, so he doesn't really go back to bed!  Oh my goodness, it was early.  About 6:45 he decided he was tired, so we rested for about 30 minutes before getting ready for church.  Yawn.

Then K had his last game of the weekend...  and another loss.  :(

I went and did a few errands on my own... and that was about it.  Olivia played with Cora for a bit...  Boomer played, napped...  I organized the house a little.  Seemed to be a super fast afternoon and evening.  I hate that it's Sunday night already.  

Not many pics this weekend.