Monday, June 24, 2019


What a weekend!  Another busy one, but wow - we had fun.

Last week was Cora's first week of swim lessons... I'll post on that later.  She's doing well.

Friday night:
Kayson went to an I Cubs game with Caleb, Hud, Carter, and a few other boys...  they had so much fun, and was a super late night.  I picked him up at 11pm.  OHMYGOSH.  I was absolutely exhausted.  Ryan, Cora and I just stayed in... ordered pizza, and layed low, it was nice.

Kids slept in... Kayson slept til 9:00!  He was wiped!
We did a few random things in the morning...  then things slowed down and we got a little bored.  Imagine that.  ha.  So...  we drove down to Sun Valley Lake for a 40th birthday party for our new baseball friend, Dave.  His wife surprised him with a family friendly party at the lake.  We weren't going to go, but then decided to...  and ended up having a really good time.  The kids had a blast, and the weather was perfect... until the storms rolled through at about 7pm...  and we headed home!  It was good... and we were all wiped out.

We went to church! 

Then Sunday afternoon, the Aces had a round robin type of scrimmage against a couple teams.  A very relaxed afternoon of ball... we ended up winning both games, which was great...  it was a good afternoon, and great practice for State coming up!

What a weekend...  nice to have something fun to do, but I'm looking forward to July when things slow down!!
So tired after a week of swim!

She was bored Friday night... golfed for 3 minutes.

K and friends... and Cubbie Bear.

Sun Valley Lake

All the littles with Uncle Dave!

ice cream truck for the kids!  How fun.

Longhorns, Aces, Bombers


  1. what a great shot of her on the couch showing her panties.

  2. so good to fuck her hole she poops from

  3. Rpe the little girl while she sleeps
