Monday, June 17, 2019

Weekend - Baseball Tournament and Father's Day 2019

Last week was crazy...  second week of summer, and it's gone.  Oh my gosh. I hope things slow down in July.

Most of last week I was home with Cora... she had the dance camp, so between Ryan and I, we handled her.  She only went to BTB one time.  Bad planning by me.  Anyway, it was a busy week... and long!  I can't be a stay home mom!  :)

Friday night - Cora had a birthday party to go to, so she did that.  Ryan, K and I went for supper... and then home.  It was a pretty quiet night...  which was nice.

We had the morning to hang... then baseball started about 1:00 up in Ankeny.  Aces went 1:1 on Saturday... played a really good team the second game and we had too many errors...  not good.  Most of the team went out for an early supper together, which was good... always super slow when we do that, but for the most part, it was good.

Saturday night we just hung out...  we were all pooped.

Happy Father's Dad to Dad... to Ryan... to all those Dad's out there.  We were up and headed back to Ankeny...  but unfortunately, we didn't win that first game, so then we were done.  Such a bummer... and I know the boys were bummed too.  It was a beautiful day - we could have been there all day!  ha.

So... we were off, and headed out to lunch with Mike and JeanAnn.  I grabbed some groceries, and then the kids were begging to go swim, so we did that for about an hour and 20 minutes.  We were so tired after that...  Cora said she wasn't feeling well again (same symptoms as the past times...), so knocking up to exhaustion.  She was in bed at 7:30, and I had to wake her today at 6:45.  She was much better... 

Anyway... it was a nice, of course, busy weekend.  We had a few more busy weekends, then it'll be July.  I'm ready for things to slow down...  but before July hits, I had a lot to do before Hope's wedding.  Gotta push through!

Happy Father's Day Ryan.
She worked on handstands in the water forever!
Even a lifeguard tried helping her... I thought that was nice.

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