Sunday, March 8, 2020

Weekend & Kayson's 11th Birthday party

Ryan was home...  what seemed like a long ass week, we made it through!

A funny story to start the week --- we had a couple coming to help out with Boomer - just 3 times a week, 15 minutes or so, super simple.  They came Tuesday and Wednesday, then Friday they told us they weren't a good fit for him, so we wouldn't be using them again.  SUPER disappointed... but here's the funny part:  Ryan called me Friday afternoon about 1ish saying that Boomer is out of his kennel.  We talked, looked... and yep, he was just running all over the house!!!  Apparently the lady didn't lock the kennel appropriately.  SO... off I went home.  Luckily, he was good... and didn't destroy anything, and actually didn't even have an accident.  Shocking!  But it was funny, and irritating at the same time!!!

Anyway, Friday night - Kayson had a birthday party to attend.  So Cora, Ryan and I just had supper at home... and it was a pretty quiet evening. 

Up and at em.  I did so much this day - so much packed in. 
Organizing Cora's closet
K's conference
It was a good day.

Then Hope and Logan came to visit, which was so nice.  I missed them!!  We hung out... then soon enough, Kayson's friends, Hudsen, Caleb and Carter came over for his friend birthday party.  Only 2.5 months later!!!  Poor kid!!  So they played...  video games, at pizza, popcorn, watched a movie... and more random 11 year old stuff.  They went to bed really well...  but daylight savings was this night, and unfortunately, I think that messed with them (plus we have a few early risers in that group), so they were up sooooo early (it hurts!!!)  

Carter went home - Caleb and Hud joined us at church, which is nice...  

K had baseball practice this afternoon, Cora played with Olivia, Ryan had a meeting at church... and I took a nap!!!  and it was heavenly!  :)

Trish and Greg are in AZ seeing family, so saving these few pictures. I miss them so much. 

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