Sunday, December 1, 2019

Thanksgiving 2019

This year, we decided with Bill's diagnosis, that we should spend Thanksgiving in Creston.  Little did we know he wouldn't be with us...  still breaks our hearts.  We headed to Creston Thursday morning...  and celebrated at Ryan's parents house with everyone (minus Blair/Martina).  

It was a nice day... but honestly, definitely different without Bill there. Joni had a rough time...  bursting to tears several times, which is super hard to see.  It's just so damn sad. 

Thursday night everyone went their own ways... and we hung out a bit - kids got pretty bored.  We decided to go see the movie Frozen II.  That was a good little break, but Cora was a tired little girl... very antsy.  

After a rough nights sleep... we hung out in the morning...  then got on the road to St. Joe around 11ish.  Unfortunately, Aunt Maagie has had a couple rough weeks of falling and just not doing well, so she was actually in the hospital - and they admitted her.  She was super dehydrated and wanted to keep a close eye on her.  Poor thing.  

So...  we gathered for lunch at BWW with Blair, Martina, JeanAnn, Mike and the kids... watched part of the Iowa game.  Then went to the hotel and got settled.  The kids played pretty well... watched the rest of the stressful Iowa game...  but a win!  Then the kids ended up getting in the pool for a bit.  We then had supper at the hotel... opened the gifts from Aunt Maagie...  and got to bed.  Cora was a hot mess (again), but ended up sleeping well, so she needed that.  

We all slept in, which was much needed.  We just got ourselves around... then went out to the cemetery in St. Joe... then visited Aunt Maagie in the hospital.  The kids did amazing, which was nice...  and we were able to visit with her for about 45 minutes.  Not too bad. 

We grabbed lunch and also hit up our favorite Rally House store to scored a few KU Jayhawks things and a great Christmas gift for K.  Good day... 

Then headed home...  and we were all tired, and possibly crabby. 

It was nice being home Saturday night...  a quiet night, but I was nonstop - doing about 5 loads of laundry.  Phew!  

Church.  Groceries.  And that's it.  It was a boring afternoon and evening at the Taylor's.  Cora was going nuts, so bored!!!

I just wanted to sit, but I didn't... I fiddled in her room a little...  we did a craft...  eh... tried to stay busy, but it didn't work well!

some great pics of the kiddos!

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