Monday, September 2, 2019

Labor Day weekend/Weekend of birthdays!

It had been a long week... Ryan had been up early nearly all week.  I was wiped out.  Cora was coughing, I could tell she was tired.  We ran out to church to do a few things, and that was pretty much it.  My stomach started hurting again too...  kind of a bummer of an evening. 


We slept in... however, I then woke with a stuffy nose and sore throat.  So... what Cora had (and got from the first week of school), was quickly passed to me. I was super irritated!!  

But we had to keep moving...  We started our day back out at church... painting a Sunday School room.  It went super well...  smoothly, we didn't kill each other, and were done in about 4 hours.  Not too bad?!?!  The kids just hung out... were bored, helped just a little... and then bored again.  But I thanked them for fighting through!  

We grabbed lunch out, and then the afternoon was quiet.  The kids played outside a little... and I relaxed.  I still had the sore throat and just took it easy... tried resting, but that didn't really happen.  But regardless, it was a quiet afternoon/evening. 

We headed down to Creston for the day.  It was JeanAnn's birthday, and we were surprising her!  We hung out with her and Mike for the afternoon... then soon we loaded up and went to Bill & Joni's... where nearly everyone of the family troop was there!  With a big surprise from the garage (we were hiding), I think JeanAnn was surprised!  It was fun.  She turned 60, and literally does anything for us if we ask... it was time to celebrate her.  We hung out there all night... the kids played so well... the adults sat around and drank...  we played basketball (some heated games of "knock out", which was fun), and just enjoyed the night.  

We didn't stay over, so we headed back to DSM late... getting home about 10:30.  The kids were cashed!!!  Cora slowly had her meltdown starting about 9:15...  it's so crazy how she's like clockwork, and so on a routine!  :)

It was a fun night. 

Thanks goodness for a 3 day weekend, Labor Day... and my Dad's birthday!
I didn't sleep well at all...  coughing now, and just even more irritated!  Cora seems good...  still has the cough, but doesn't seem to bother her a ton.  #crossingfingers

Anyway, we were up and at em... and in the midst of our morning realized our AC wasn't working.  OH NO!!  It just wasn't blowing cold air... So frustrating!!! 
It was a good thing we were going to be gone for a bit... we met my family up in Ames at Hickory Park to celebrate Dad's birthday.  Always good...  but also hard when at a restaurant, we don't really get to talk to everyone...  but it was nice to be together, even when we are tired, crabby and not feeling 100%!

We got home... I grabbed groceries quick... then the rest of the afternoon (in our hot house of 83 degrees!!!!)... laundry, a little cleaning... and just chilling.  The kids played at Olivia's for a bit...  

We were pooped.  I am so pooped.  

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