Thursday, September 26, 2019

Kayson - Changing/Growing up

Our boy is changing...  growing up... showing more and more attitude... showing he's tired...  showing the differences.

Being 10 is hard - I mean, I don't really remember being 10, but I'm certain it was a trying time in my life.  As this is for every kid, I'm sure.  

  • Kayson is in that 'tween' stage... 
    • Characteristics of tween - tweens will often act like teenagers or even adults one minute, while reverting to childish behaviors.
  • He's immature in some things - specifically 'growing up' stuff.  
  • He's lazy...  period.  I've noticed over the past several months that he's just lazy - and procrastinates at everything that is asked of him.  This is a huge struggle for me... if I'm asked to do something, it's done, now.  Granted, I'm 41.  But this is frustrating and pulls at my heartstrings too...
  • His emotions are high... and all over the board.

This has been hard for me... and Ryan.  I see a lot more of the emotions and attitude as I'm around more.  I'm trying so hard to be patient and understanding...  I need to be able to talk with him about these things, but it's hard... and I also have a hard time finding the 'right' words.   

Some notes I've found that are good reminders of what Kayson is experiencing:

A tween is a child between the ages of 9 and 12. A tween is no longer a little child, but not quite a teenager. They are in between the two age groups and their behavior and emotions reflect that.
While a tween is not yet in the midst of adolescence, he or she will face a variety of obstacles in the next few years:
  • Transition from elementary to middle school: The change in school curriculum and structure can be more difficult for some children than others.
  • Approaching puberty: Big changes are going to start or have already begun to happen to a tween's body.
  • Increasing responsibilities: Tweens are often more involved in extra-curricular activities and can take on more chores and responsibilities at home.
  • Increasing amounts of homework: The homework load alone can be a big change for tweens and parents should be ready to help if needed. Good study habits now can last a lifetime.
  • Exposure to dangerous behaviors: A tween faces new pressures from their peers including drugs, sex, alcohol, and more. Kids are a curious bunch and peer pressure is strong among tweens. This is the age when they will just be learning about the dangers of the world and there can be many myths circulating in middle school hallways.

Tweens can be a challenge to parents and teachers. One minute they can be sweet and loving, the next they can be moody and difficult.
  • Boys enter puberty around 11 and growth spurts can cause rapid changes.
  • Brain development at this age is also dramatic for both tween boys and girls.
The tween years are also when kids begin to develop a true sense of self. They may go through many phases before they get to be the person they will be as an adult and it all begins as a tween.
Tweens will often begin to explore new interests and passions. A boy may have enjoyed soccer as a child, but find basketball to be his sport in middle school. He may even give up sports entirely and choose to build robots. A girl may learn that she's more creative after a summer art class and ask for paints one week or join the drama club the next.
These interests will often change over the next few years. Many are influenced by their friends or activities the tween's family is involved with. Along with this, your tween may change styles in clothing or taste in music. It's hard for parents to keep up with the latest tween fad!
It's important for parents to give tweens a certain sense of freedom as they go through these phases. They are discovering their individual personality and exploring all of their options.

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