Monday, May 13, 2019

Weekend - Baseball Tournament and Mother's Day 2019

We had nothing... no games, practice, nothing.  We hadn't been home much, so Ryan needed to mow.  It was a beautiful night, so Kayson and I sat outside in the sun for awhile... Cora played with Olivia a little.  We grabbed supper later than normal... and then back home for bed.

The sun from Friday went away and never returned all weekend.  What crappy weather we had all weekend...  Saturday we got up and headed to Indianola for the baseball tournament.  Rainy, cold day...  but we fought through and got two great wins under our belt.  The kids did good... 

Our original plan was to then head up to Clarion to go to the graduation open houses for Lindsay, Ryan and Eden... but unfortunately, the games went longer than anticipated... and it would have been a 2 hour drive.  We decided it wasn't worth it... plus we were so pooped already.  It would not have been good for me, or our kids.  We grabbed a super late lunch out with a few of the baseball families...  and then again, Cora started acting weird... saying her tummy hurt.  (I don't know what to do with her!!!)  We got home, and she slept for a while...  once she woke, she said she was fine... but she still was super tired and just blah.  I talked to Tricia... she is thinking her body is just telling her she's 'done' and it makes her feel icky.  Understandable...  but we can't keep her away from baseball games, she's 6.  I can't keep her home.  So...  we are going to do a better job at a few things...  more water, less junk food... and have her sit for a bit...  I don't know.  (Sunday she was fine.)

Anyway, Saturday night we just relaxed... we were all tired and just chilled.

Early games - 8 am. Ryan and K left so early to get down to Indianola... again, a rainy cold day.  Mother's Day no less!  Mother's Day is always tough for me... but I got through it, and was glad to be 'busy' with the games and just be there with all those other families. 

We won the first game, keeping us alive in the tournament.  And it was a nail-biter.  Man, I was nervous!  I wanted so badly for the kids to win!!  Then we had a break... then second game.  Unfortunately that was a loss... we played a super great team, which was fine.  It was a good time.

Sunday afternoon we just chilled... I didn't sit much, but it was a nice afternoon and evening... 

Thankful for my little humans that I have... 

The boys gave their Moms roses.  I love this.

Cora & Eleanor...  too funny.

Boys with their Moms

Moms with all their babies

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