Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Weeked - Baseball Tournament & Memorial Day

Wow, what a great, busy weekend... exhausted actually, but lucky to have that extra day to recover.
Let's see...  Friday seems like forever ago, and I believe we ended up going out for supper, trying a new place.  It was fine... Cora didn't eat...  I wasn't that hungry...  eh, but it was fine.  I think we get so irritated with Cora and restaurants!!  ha.
Up early --- we had two games Saturday morning.  A win and a loss, but overall - played really well.  Kayson had his first "in park home run" due to errors from the other team.  And I just miraculously got it on video!!  Crazy!!  It was so cool... and he was so pumped!  We wrapped up those games, and then headed to one of the sponsors restaurants, sat on the patio and ate.  Pretty good.  Cora got tired, and I ended up forcing her to take a rest that afternoon... about 40 minutes.  The baseball boys wanted to go swimming at a nearby pool - so they did that, but I hear the water was freezing, so it was more of just hanging out again!  So glad those boys have become friends. 
Saturday night we just hung out at home... ordered pizza in, and then Jess, Lex and the kids stopped by.  We haven't really seen them in awhile... so we attempted to get some adult conversations in, but unfortunately the kids were a little off.  Even Kayson was a little owly and kind of a brat to the little kids.  It was just not the best couple hours...
Rain delay for the games, but eventually started our day at the fields about 9:00.  It was a beautiful day - sunny, hot!!  and we all got sunburnt!  Oops.  The boys played amazing...  going for 3 games on Sunday - ending in a loss by only one run, getting 2nd place in the gold bracket.  So fun, so good... and so exhausting!!!  The kids had fun, and were pooped!!  That's about 10 hours at the baseball fields!!!
Memorial Day... and it was a day of relaxation.  We were all feeling wiped out... so we just took it easy.  We did a few errands, and lunch out, but that's it.  It was a nice quiet afternoon...  but we did get bored!! 
Now it's back to work...and school.  Only 3 days of school left!!!  It's crazy.  I'll have a 5th grader and 1st grader!!!!
Pics of our weekend!
I love this picture...  and his blue eyes.
Buddy Carter (C Dubbs)
Runner Ups!!!  Great job boys!
A few minutes at Olivia's pool!

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