Sunday, August 28, 2016

Thank God it's the Weekend

After my terrible week with the kids... and just everything not going well last week.  Friday was heaven sent!  After Cora's awful doctor's appointment on Friday too... I was never so glad to get in the car by myself and go to work.  Bad Mom?  Eh...  at that point, I didn't really care.  I cried nearly the entire way to work.  I just had to let it all out... I was over it. 

Friday afternoon I got the kiddos...  they seemed to have good days... went home... and waited for Ryan.  He was home about 5:45 and it was such a huge relief.  Like I could breathe.   We grabbed dinner out, then back home to just hang.  We were all tired, but glad that we all were home under one roof. 

We hung out at the house in the morning...  I did house work, kiddos played a bit, then we met Ryan's folks for lunch.  Back home and Cora took a super short nap (huge bummer!).  We had Kayson signed up for a baseball try out.  Ryan took him to that around 1:45, back home about 3:30.  Ryan said that Kayson did pretty well, but has to be good enough to make a team.  We were supposed to find out tonight if he made a team, and as of now, we haven't heard anything...  more to come, maybe.   Anyway, then our friends Jess and Lex and their kids stopped by for about an hour.  We hadn't seen them in awhile, and they were out and about, so they dropped by.  Good little visit.  Then we headed to the mall to get a few things and grabbed dinner.  I was over the kids by then.  Lots of back talking... lots of being obnoxious at the 'wrong times'.  Just tired.  Me = tired.  I had had enough.  Home.  Bed.  

Church.  The kids and I haven't been for a couple weeks!  It was nice to be back.  Home this afternoon.  We kept pretty busy.  Ryan worked in the garage a little and mowed, we defrosted our freezer that's in the garage.  It looks awesome now!  I cleaned, did laundry, got groceries.  Kayson played with the neighbors for about 3 hours...  and they did well, no talking back, and I didn't have to get on him about crossing the street a zillion times.  It was a nice little afternoon. 

Tonight Cora and I went back out to the church.  Cora's Sunday School class was gathering to do a craft and kinda 'get back into it'.  Sunday School starts in a couple weeks.  So we did that...  it was really nice, and the kids had fun, but it went late.  Home at 8:00.  OMG.  

So overall, good weekend.  I'm so glad Ryan is home, and I'm praying that we have a much better week this week.  
One day this week we had rain, but no huge puddles.  Cora still wore her rain boots!
doing art at the front door.  weirdo.
He's too big to sit on it, so he stands on it.
makes me breathe.

Friday, August 26, 2016

Cora - 4 Year Stats

Cora had a rough morning at the doctor.  And in my opinion - was for no reason.  4 year well checks do not include shots... just a look over.  She was not having it.  She literally cried and screamed nearly the entire time.  I was so embarrassed and beyond frustrated with her.  

She wouldn't stand on the scale to be weighed...  she wouldn't leave my side.  I just told the nurse - "can we do something else"?  We went into the room and Cora freaked out even more.  I made her sit with me and look at a book - that lasted about 1 minute before the crying started again.  

Finally Dr. Beebe came in...  and Cora screamed even louder.  I mean, I didn't even know what to do.  I just stared at her... and tried to get her to take a deep breath (it sometimes helps her calm down).  But it didn't work.  Dr. Beebe suggested we just get the 'exam' over with then we could talk.  Cora cried the entire time that the doctor looked at her - looked at her ears (which she hates, touched her tummy, checked her back, listened to her heart - she cried at everything.  

Cora then finally let us weigh her, so we at least have that...  

Anyway, then the doctor and I just talked.  Cora finally had calmed down and just sat with me.  Didn't say a word.  

Dr. Beebe is so nice, and so patient... I apologized a ton...  and we talked.  She asked questions about Cora.  Everything seems 'normal', and doctor was pleased that she'd grown about 4 inches and 4 pounds too.  Dr. Beebe asked about if we had thought about Kindergarten for Cora...  (so overwhelmed with that question right now!!)  Her suggestion is to wait til she's 6, solely because she (as a doctor) has seen some August birthday seniors come in for their physicals and they are completely stressed about college, etc.  They are barely 17.  So young.    Regardless, we have some time to think about it...  but she made a good point too. 

So...  Cora's 4 year stats are:
Weight: 38.8 lbs (77%)
Height: 41"  (75%)

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Kayson - Tired and Attitude

People are telling me to expect the attitude from Kayson... it's going to start.  I tried to ignore it.  He's always wanted "his way", he's a kid.  I feel like we are pretty realistic, and not dumb... however, the attitude has arrived.  Unfortunately, I think the attitude is stemming from Kayson being so damn tired.  

We are two full days into school...  I get it, it's different, it's a change, he has to learn a different way.  I get it.  But when we get home and literally things go down hill instantly...  I can't really handle it.  I've had a hard day, I'm tired too.  Life is just not fair!!!!  (Now I sound like a 7 year old!)  

Man, things have been hard this week.  Ryan is gone, and it's just messing with our routine.  I feel bad for the kids - they are probably sick of me.  

What is amazing to me is I know things are different now...  but Kayson also had a super busy summer.  I can't imagine what stay-home kiddos are like this week!!!!  He went to school, so that's not different.  He played  His mind worked, but maybe not as hard as it will now...  I just feel like it's NOT THAT different, but it is.  And he's struggling.  He's been going to bed at 8:00, and asleep within minutes...  and is happy (still tired), but happy in the morning.  Thank god for that (he's like his Dad in that aspect).   I can't stop praying for him... and me... and getting through the next few weeks with minimal problems.  C'mon God, help us out.  :)

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


Cora woke this morning... in tears.  I thought, 'oh great - she's sick'.  (as she's been coughing and all stuffed up the last couple days).  But after talking with her...  she finally (through lots of shaken breaths), she wanted to wear a dress today. 


I had a KC Royals shirt out for her, and a cute skirt...  but she wanted to wear a dress just like me today.  

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Kayson - First Day of 2nd Grade!

We are moving up!!!

Kayson didn't seem as excited for 2nd Grade...  basically wasn't thrilled that he would have to start learning again.  :)  But he looks cute, and he's ready.  ha.

Unlike last year, he actually had things to tell me tonight.  He talked about some of the things they did, and some of the 'expectations' the teacher has.  He rolled his eyes at that stuff.  Ugh.  So I was pleased that he seemed interested and had a good day. 

Unfortunately, then our evening went down hill.  I knew he was tired, but I didn't see the attitude coming like it did!  He really acted bad, didn't listen... nothing really went right with us tonight.  I had let him go outside and play with the neighbor boys, and 25 minutes later I told him to come in.  He threw an absolute fit.  I wasn't going to put up with it.  He got his shower, and he sat in his room for a bit, crying.  Eventually he calmed down...  we watched a show, and he asked to go to bed at 8:00.  

I hate change.  and I hate attitude.  #SadMomma

Cora - 4 Year Old Preschool

So now that Cora is 4... she gets to move on up too (just like Kayson!)  
She, with most of her other friends, got to move to Miss Jennifer's room at Koalaty Time.  I'm not going to lie - this was big.  She has been awesome, spoiled, and even more awesome in Miss Sharmon and Vonda's room.  She loved it there!!!!

But we move on.  

Monday was her first day in Room 103.  Big deal.  :)  I was a little nervous only because I don't typically do drop offs, and Ryan is out of town.  This in itself is out of her routine, and if we mess with the routine, we are typically screwed.  BUT... she did awesome.  Kayson was with me, and she did well, she saw her other friends... so we were good.  No tears, which is a success.  

Cora told me she liked her new room - it's the "big kid room".  

Now, with her having an August birthday... there is the slight possibility that she could go to Kindergarten when she's 5.  Now for me, I don't think I want to do that...  but we (as a family, with daycare/teacher help, and seeing what Cora can do at 5), then we'll decide (well, we'll have to decide early next Spring probably).  BUT anyway, more to come with that...  It completely overwhelms me at this point, so right now - I want her to stay at KT til she's 6.  :)  ha.  

Regardless, she's growing up.  Life goes too fast.

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Beautiful Sunday

Well, we had a great Saturday - great little birthday party for lil sis.  And our evening was nice as well - we just hung out, and got ice cream later on before bed.  Both kiddos slept great... and Cora didn't wake til 7:35 this morning. That's HUGE!  Kayson slept til 8:30.  (He's going to have a rough time this week getting up on time!)

Anyway, today we skipped church, and just spent the morning at home.  Ryan had to leave for SD around 1:00 today, so we just felt we needed to be home together.  Kids played pretty well, and we just hung out.  

Then 1:00 came.  I was sad, still am.  I struggled to get Cora to rest...  she sassed me for about an hour.  Finally asleep...  Kayson and I sat and played, and 20 minutes later she was out in the living room.  WHAT.  I put her back in bed, with her tears...  and she fell back to sleep.  Slept about another hour-ish.  

We made the best of the beautiful afternoon...  we played basketball, Cora played dolls, a little baseball catch, then the kids got out the water guns.  They promised they wouldn't shoot each other.  Ha.  Funny.  

We grabbed dinner out...  that's the type of energy I had.  They did well, back home... played some more outside.  Then bed was tough for Cora.  Man, that stinks, and is so frustrating.  

Here are some pics of the water gun fun. 

This is how Cora got wet the first time...  it went down hill from there!

and her shirt came off. 

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Cora's 4th Birthday

and just like that...  Cora May is 4 years old.  When I was going through her pictures last week (replacing the old with new), I realized that she really hasn't changed (looks-wise) from being 3.  But she definitely has grown up.  She's just a little trooper at everything... with a big heart, and a big attitude to add to it.  :)  We love you Cora soooooo very much.

Some of the major things going on right now are: 
  • Cora moves up to the 4 year old room at daycare Monday.  More to come with that...  it could be a disaster, only because she's had the most amazing teachers and she's been rather spoiled there.  :)  But I know the next room has great teachers too.  Just an adjustment.  
  • Counts up to about 60, gets slipped up on transitioning to 50 from 49, etc.  But doing well.
  • She's the 'helper' at daycare --- the teachers have joked that she should wear black (like all the teachers) and she should get paid.  haha.  Funny. She's very bossy and really enjoys telling her friends how to do things.  But also a big helper with art or snack (so we are told!)
  • TALKS ALL THE TIME.  This has not changed from her turning 3.  We have a talker on our hands.  She talks to us, she talks to her baby dolls, she talks to herself.  But the second a 'stranger' to her shows up - she's quiet. 
  • Very independent --- wants to do everything on her own.  Including brushing her teeth, getting dressed, pottying, cleaning herself, getting things out of the fridge.  The list goes on.  This is all great - definitely a change from brother.  She's so 'second-child'.  
  • Little Momma - Cora is a little mother hen right now.  Her babies are her world!!!  She plays so well with them...  using her imagination, everything.
Basic information:
  • Clothes - mostly big girl 4/5 besides bottoms.  She's got a tiny rump/waist... so we still do 4T.  She's still got the long torso.  Right now - she refuses to wear shorts - only wants dresses or skirts.  She's been asking for leggings, but it's been too warm...  except for today, she wore capri leggings.  SO CUTE!! She's very demanding when it comes to clothes.  
  • Shoes - size 8 or 9 or even a 10, depending on brand.
  • Diapers - size 6 (bedtime).  Still doing pull-ups during naps as well, but we've tried about a half a dozen times doing just underwear for nap, and it's gone well.  But I feel like we still have a ways to go.  (She'll probably be like brother and take forever to be completely out of diapers.)
  • Has recently shown A TON of interest in the iPad and electronics.  She's figured out how to maneuver on the iPad - finding shows and videos.  She's really into 'Daniel Tiger', 'Paw Patrol' and anything baby related.  
  • Loves "Full House" - like the Full House that we used to watch as kids!  LOVES LOVES IT.  She asks to watch it everynight before bed.  Yes, we DVR them.  :)
  • She gets her feelings hurt quickly.  She doesn't seem to be very sensitive, but she is!!!  She definitely gets bothered with Daddy is upset with her.  
  • She has trouble listening to me... but does well with Daddy.
  • Cora hates thunderstorms and hard rain.  If it's storming right at bedtime, she has a really hard time relaxing and falling asleep.  She's even been woke up by the storms before.   She just doesn't like them. 
  • Still loves to do art - coloring, markers, paint, stickers, etc.
  • She likes to sing still - She sings in the car a lot, and puts in requests all the time.  Favorites songs get switched out about every 2 weeks.  :)
  • She's not as interested in books as she used to be.  We still read every night, but I don't find her just flipping through books like she used to.
  • She's attached to her 'softie' and blanket - needs them when she's tired/bedtime.  
  • Eating is still a rollercoaster.  Still will not touch vegetables.  We've figured out she eats good for about 6 days, then we have 6 days of not eating much.  
  • Bed/Sleeping - We've switched bed to about 8:30 in hopes that she would fall asleep quicker.  This is not the case at all.  She's in bed around 8:30 (done with books) and she lays in there, talks, sings, tosses around for about 30 minutes (sometimes up to 45 minutes).  Besides that, she sleeps really well - and has a really hard time getting up in the mornings (weekdays).  (However, her little internal clock will wake her at about 6:50 on the weekends).  She still is very picky on her blankets - doesn't like the comforter that much, so she uses other blankets, and she still has one blanket laying on her pillow. 

Cora's 4th Birthday Party

We got to celebrate Cora's big day on her actual birthday, which is fun!!  It was a "Daniel Tiger" type of birthday.  She loves him...  well, actually lovED.  She's now moved on to "Full House".  SO funny. 

Anyway, she was up early...  it's like her thing to do lately!  We started our day - breakfast, playing with dolls, getting dressed and curling hair!  Our families arrived about 10:00.  We did miss some family this year...  (always do cuz of busy schedules).  But the party was a huge success.  We started off with presents.  And I tell you what - Cora was all in, and SUPER DUPER excited about our gift to her -- her first American Girl Bitty Baby!!!!  She's a pretty little doll, and Cora loves her.  I think (after lots of talk, and nearly the entire day), we've landed on her dolls name - Grace.  Baby Grace.  :)  We'll see if that changes this week.

Anyway, she got lots of accessories for the doll - bath tub, car seat, clothes, diapers...  everything.  (she had nearly all that stuff already, but it doesn't matter!!)  haha.  We'll be going through old stuff this week and sorting/tossing!  :)  She also got some rain boots and an umbrella - what a cute idea.  She totally had a great day. She was good all day long (I did get her to take an hour nap, which would have lasted longer, but a car alarm ended up going off, which was kinda my fault!!!)  But overall, she did great.  She just played and played with Baby Grace. 

We did Smokey D's meat for lunch, which was super yummy.  I made a macaroni/corn casserole, we had fruit, oreo fluff... and yummy chips from Smokey D's.  Everything was a hit!

Here are some pics from the day.  
Pretty birthday girl!!
Yummy Cake Balls, and Daniel Tiger cookies!
Baby Grace

Happy birthday honey!!
Doing some coloring with Aunt Tina and Ashley
So sweet.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Kayson - Appointments

Since I'm off the rest of the week with Kayson...  we got all of his 'important' appointments out of the way.  

We did the dentist Wednesday afternoon.  He did great - with his missing teeth, and loose top one, he's been a little more lenient with his brushing.  And the dentist noticed!  They hygienist got him all cleaned up, scraped some icky stuff off...  and we were good.  Kayson is still a little nervous going there, but he's grown up a lot too.  He finally talks with Pam (the hygienist), and he laughs with her...  and he just lets her in his mouth!  We are making huge progress, and I'm thrilled. 

Look at those permanent teeth underneath!  So cool!
Then today we did the eye doctor.  Now this was the first time we've done the eye doctor.  We talked about it last year, but really never seemed to have problems, so we put it off.  Anyway, we got in... and again, Kayson did so well.  I wasn't sure what he would be required to do, I kinda thought it would be pretty simple and not do the things me and Ryan do... but I was completely wrong.  Kayson did everything that the grownups do!  All the tests, the eye puff (which I hate!!!), all the sitting and answering the questions!  He did amazing.  

In the end... he's a little far-sighted, but doc isn't worried at this point.  And doc said he has "stellar depth perception". I'm not exactly sure what that means - that she was thrilled with that... but whatever!  ha.  

We'll go back in a year, unless we feel something changes.  I was so proud of him!

Kayson - 2nd Grade Open House

and we are all of the sudden going to 2nd Grade!  
Tonight was Waukee's Open House/Meet the Teacher night.  This year, Ryan was around, so that was nice... he got to see how it works. 

We found K's room - his teacher, Mrs. Van Meter seems very nice, and is very pregnant!  So Kayson and all the other kiddos will be getting all settled, and she'll take off!  That should be interesting!  Anyway, Ryan got K's school supplies out and they put them all away.  

We visited with the teacher for a minute... a picture was taken... and we were out the door. 

We are hoping for a great 2nd Grade year!

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Kayson - A Stay with Papa & Grandma #2

Like last year, the week before school starts, there is no summer program.  Papa and Grandma Taylor hauled Kayson away Sunday afternoon.  We got a phone call from him Sunday night about 8:00.  So sweet to hear his voice...  I missed him already.
  Monday - was a day with Grandma.  They did a Walmart run, and played at home.  Kayson always likes to help around the yard at Papa's, so he picked up sticks... for a quarter each.  Too funny.  This was the pic that JeanAnn sent me.  Hilarious. 

Tuesday - JeanAnn and Kayson drove a little ways to get Tate.  He was getting to spend some time with Papa and Grandma as well!  (Blair and Martina are heading back to school as well).  So the boys got to spend some time together, which was nice.  They went golfing in the afternoon.  Kayson said they had a good time - got in about 6 holes in between some downpours!  ha.  Funny.  They made homemade pizzas, and played.  Grandma Janis visited them as well. Sounds like a nice day!
  Wednesday - The boys played at the house in the morning...  then they dropped K off at the dentist to meet up with me...  we started our appointments for the remainder of the week!  (ya know, prepping for the new school year!)

I think K had a good time... he's definitely tired and owly with me.  So, it'll take a day or two to get back into our routine and have him not be snotty with me.  Typical kid.

Since he doesn't have care the rest of the week, him and I will be doing appointments tomorrow, then probably just hanging out Friday and Monday.  I have a birthday party to prep for!  :)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Weekend - the rest of it

So Saturday morning we did the zoo... 

Saturday afternoon, Cora took a rest, and we just hung out.  Ryan mowed while Kayson and I watched a movie - one of our favorites, Dolphin Tale.  So we just took it easy, so nice.  Saturday night we went over to Colleen and Mike's.  Colleen and I have had to rearrange our lunch several times, and she called Friday to see if we were open, and we were.  So we headed over there... ordered pizza in and ate/sat outside all night.  The kids did really well, and had fun.  

This morning, the kids and I got ready and headed to our friend, Presley's birthday party.  Ryan went to church.  Good man.  :)  The party was scheduled, and we felt like we should go...  plus it wears the kids out!  Back home, ate lunch, and again... just took it easy for a couple hours.  Soon Ryan's parents were here to pick up Kayson.  He doesn't have summer program this week, so Grandma and Papa are stepping in to help out for a couple days, just like last year.  More to come on that!!

Once sis was up from her rest, we did an errand and got groceries.  Back home... played, supper, read books... and bed.  All in the middle of that, I worked on Kayson's room.  It hadn't been deep cleaned in months... and I was itching to rearrange it!  With the kids' rooms being so small, I can't do much, but it's nice to clean it out and kinda start over.  

I went for a walk after Cora was in bed... and now, just hanging out.  I'm part time this coming week, so I'm super thrilled about that.  Tuesday I'm off to spend the day with Trish, Hope and Eden.  Then off Wednesday afternoon through next Monday!  WHOOHOO.  I need a work break. 

Here are a few pics from the weekend.  Not much. 
Shea, K, Cora & Cali - goofballs!
Cora and Shea
Cleaned room!

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Do the Zoo, Blank Park Zoo

Well, we are pretty much done with summer...  

This morning we decided to go to the zoo here in DSM.  It's always more fun to 'talk' about rather than going.  Our kids just don't do well with walking around and having to be patient.  Ugh.  Cora instantly was complaining that her legs hurt.  She also wanted to do the train right away, but we made her wait... and I swear she asked me quietly (so her Dad wouldn't hear) at least 1,000 times "when are we riding the train?"   Kayson seemed less than interested at times too.  He said he was mad at me a couple times cuz I said 'no' to something.  He's going through a tough stage too...  oh boy.  Anyway, we made it 2.5 hours.  I just think about the times that I want to take them to the Omaha Zoo, or do other stuff (or when Disney World gets brought up), I literally cringe.  But that's for another day...  and more of my babbling. 

All and all, it was a fine couple hours.  The weather was great.  Last year when we went, it was 100 degrees, it seemed!  Here are a few pics of our morning.