Tuesday, July 1, 2014

This & That

  • Bed for the kids has been early this week thus far...  they are tired, and so am I.  I have every intention of going to bed shortly after them... and that's never happened.  I get a 'second' wind by 9ish... and here I am.  On the computer.  Blogging.  Eating.  
  • Ryan and I are going to San Diego in August.  It's for his work - a conference... and I get to go.  I'm excited, I really am... I've never been to California, and it'll be a great trip for us.  Of course, I'm already getting anxiety about leaving the kids, but I'm telling myself - "It'll be fine!!!" 
  • Our daycare has had a lice outbreak for about 2 weeks now.  I know, gross.  It makes me itch.  The kids have been 'clean', so we're good... however, it's ruining a few things for the remainder of the kids.  Each Wednesday (in the summer), they have "Water Wednesday" - it's been cancelled due to lice.  And each morning - every kid has to be 'checked'.  UH.  It's frustrating... and annoying all at the same time.
  • Yesterday I found out I have a 'stalker' - Shannon, are you reading?!?  :)  I had lunch with my friend Jessica...  and in the middle of our lunch, a gal she knows/friends with stopped to chat... and proceeded to tell me that she knows me (through my blog).  I found this rather hilarious.  I've always wondered who reads this...  now I'm realizing that completely random people do!  Just as I do to other blogs!!!
  • We purchased Shaklee powdered protein shakes...  and I'm LOVING them!  It's our plan to drink these shakes every morning to start our morning off 'right' and have some consistency in what we are eating.  There is a weight loss plan with these, but I'm not doing this... If Ryan was home more, he possibly would try it, but it's hard when he's traveling, but when he is home - he likes them too.  
  • I'm looking forward to the 3 day weekend.  Period.  :)

1 comment:

  1. HAHA!!!! so nice to meet you in "person" Shannon
