Sunday, July 27, 2014

More Backyard stuff... and Weekend

Ok, so I had said that our backyard was complete... with the trees.  Well - I lied.  :)  We had ordered some landscaping lights from our friend Mike (which I forgot about - ugh)...  but they came in Friday.  Friday night we went out to El Rodeo (yummo - hadn't been there in over a month!), then we came home and thought we'd try to start on the lighting.  Kayson was a great help.  We all were sweating (minus Cora).  We worked until it was dark...  and then the lights (only one worked) didn't work.  EEK.  Ryan has done these wired lights before, and knew it wouldn't happen the first go around...  so we stepped away, and went to bed.  

Digging for the wire... yes, I did help! :)
Kayson helping dig!

The 1 that worked.  ha.
Finished product.  We LOVE it!!!

Saturday morning Ryan and Cora hung out...  and finished the lights - they work!!  :)  Kayson and I went and got his hair cut.  Then he had his last swim lesson.  (He did his 2nd week of lessons this week... and he did great - he's really getting the hang of it).  Friday's had to be cancelled, so we finished up Saturday morning.  I'm bummed that we are done... only because I think he was really enjoying it and realizing that he CAN do it.  It's just going to take some time.  He really liked this teacher this time too. 

Anyway, we got home... had lunch and just played around the rest of the day.  Cora took a rest, then we headed out to the mall.  We got Kayson some pants and a few long sleeved tops to start off.  We realized that he didn't really need a bunch of new short sleeved stuff or shorts... so we just did a few things.  More shopping will happen this fall when it gets cooler.  We picked up a cool pair of shoes too.  He loves them!  

Saturday night we got Cora to bed early... she's been fighting a terrible snotty nose, and awful whiny.   Kayson and us hung out outside for awhile... enjoying our lights on the patio!  :)  It was a beautiful evening.  

And then today was another great day - minus Cora being up at 5:45.  :(  Again - snotty nose and super whiny.  I'm really hoping we can get over this by the end of the week.  I don't want her sick with other people and not her Mommy and Daddy.  She actually ended up taking a snooze at 9:30 this morning.  Around 11:00, we headed out to a park nearby and met up with a bunch of Kayson's daycare friends and parents.  We let the kids play and play, then we grilled out.  It was so much fun for the kids, and us adults.  We had such a nice time.  

We were home around 2:30 - Cora took ANOTHER rest... Kayson watched a movie... Ryan mowed... and I cleaned.  

Both kids were asleep by 8:10 tonight.  TIRED kids.  

Hoping for a quick and smooth week.  Ryan will be gone...  then we leave early Saturday morning for San Diego.  I'm a little nervous, but excited too. 

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