Thursday, June 7, 2012

Knees & Dentist

We've had a busy week thus far.  Busy meaning - 1) catastrophe and 2) a first.

1) Monday evening Kayson and I visited a neighbor (to talk to her about a softie for Baby Girl).  We chit chatted, then headed out the door.  10 steps out the door, Kayson tripped and fell on their driveway.  It was one of those slow motion type falls, where I couldn't really help and really thought it was fine... until the blood curling scream.  I swopped him up (as my adrenaline pumped up because I knew the scream was serious).  I thought his face was hurt, but it was fine...  however, his knees were shot.  I am pretty sure we left skin on the driveway.  Again, I was holding Kayson... as he is screaming and bawling.  I felt terrible.  I walked as fast as I could (should have called for help, but again, adrenaline was pumping at that point - wanted to make sure he was ok).  We got home and I put Kayson up on the counter so we could get his knees cleaned up.  Blood everywhere.  Again - another blood curling scream from him when he saw the blood.  Ooooo it broke my heart (and still does).  Soon Ryan got home and assisted... getting some band-aids on the sores, which was another catastrophe in itself!  So fast forward... the last three morning and evenings have been rough.  His knees are super sore, but finally this morning we saw some scabbing starting on the sores.  Which is a good sign.  We need these to heal!  Poor kid.  And tonight was the first night Kayson actually ran around and didn't whine TOO much about them being sore.  

Here's a picture of them from last night...   Gross huh?

Now moving on.  We had a 'first' this afternoon.  Although I should say the bad scrapped knees are a big first too.  :)  This afternoon, I took Kayson to see the dentist.  For being 3, and not really knowing what to expect (besides reading a book and seeing Daddy in a dentist chair), he did well.  The hygienist counted his teeth and showed Kayson some of the 'cool' tools, then she wanted to polish his teeth, but he wasn't having it.  Which was fine.  We didn't push it.  The dentist then came in and counted his teeth again, and talked to him about brushing morning and night.  And that was it.  Kayson gave the dentist a hi-five and a pound, and we were outta there!  I was very proud of him!  We'll go back in 6 months.  :)

Enjoy the pictures!
All smiles.  Such a big boy.
Counting his teeth - 10 on top, 10 on bottom = Perfect.  :)
Dentist talking to him!
And more counting.  :)

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