Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Start Smart Sports Development

We signed Kayson up for an extracurricular activity for this Spring.  It's a 60 minute class through the West Des Moines Parks & Rec - held once a week for 6 weeks.  It's a class that goes through all kinds of sports for 3-5 year olds... Tonight was the first night!  We even got a bag full of different balls and sports equipment to bring home with us!  Lucky little boy. 

Ryan met K and I at the school...  Kayson did really well, I thought, for not having a clue what this was going to be like, it went well.  60 minutes is a long time for a 3 year old.  We did 5 different 'stations' tonight - 1) Soccer - his favorite!, 2) Roll the ball - seems easy, but harder than you think for a little boy, 3) Koosh Ball - learning to step and throw correctly, 4) Push-Ups, Sit-Ups & Jumping Jacks - K was NOT interested in the Push-Ups.  We'll keep practicing that!, and 5) Baseball bat hitting a balloon.  

K did well - he lost interest a few times, but I really think that's pretty normal.  I did too.  :)  We all were tired and ready to head home to eat.  We had a crabby boy once we got home, so we know it was a success - crabby means tired!  :)  

Here's a picture of him before the class - giving me a thumbs up!

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