Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Exciting news at the Taylor household tonight... well, exciting, but also a little sad (for Ryan). We sold his Monte Carlo tonight! He bought the car new - back in 1999. He's had a lot of memories with that car... it's been a great car actually for him. When we found out we were pregnant, we got the Tahoe and the Monte sat. It sat in storage at my parents farm for awhile, then Ryan's Dad drove it for awhile, then it sat some more... and just about a month or so ago he went to drive it to Minnesota for work, and it wouldn't start. DAMN. So after another couple weeks, he took it in to get it checked out... $600 later we have a new battery and alternator... Wowza. That night Ryan said "We probably should sell it."

Jump ahead to last night.

Around 9pm, Ryan put the car on Craigslist. This morning he had 4 or 5 responses asking about it and wanting to see it. After back and forth with one guy, him and his son came to test drive it tonight... and drove away with it... and we have cash in our pocket. The $600 will be paid off and we have some for left over... Ryan says maybe that could go towards something for me. ;) We'll see about that!

Either way, it's sold... and that was easy. I hope it's a great car for that kid for another several years...

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