Sunday, October 24, 2010

Saturday Fun

Saturday, Ryan & Mike headed over to Iowa City for the football game... disappointing loss for the Hawks... big bummer.

While they were gone, Kayson, JeanAnn and I hung out all day. In the morning we did a few errands - looked around at Toys R Us, did a Target run and had a quick lunch. Kayson took a 3 hour nap, which was wonderful! (He's been acting so tired on the weekends - I think daycare wears him out!!) JeanAnn did a couple errands while he was napping - I layed down for about 20 minutes... then did a few things around the house...

When Kayson woke up, we baked some sugar cookies! Thanks to Grandma JeanAnn for the idea and all the 'stuff'. Kayson did so great - helping roll out the cookies, patting them down and sprinkling the sprinkles on. It was so cute!! Thanks for the fun JeanAnn... he loved it, and this can be a "Grandma thing" and not a "Momma thing"!!! ;) Here are some pictures!

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