Thursday, September 19, 2024

Cora - Allergy test

We finally got into an allergist to get some answers for Cora's allergy attacks she has. 

Her main allergies are:

  • cats!
  • mold - found in soil, plants, grass mold, a little pollen from certain trees
  • dust
  • some dogs (no we aren't getting rid of Boomer!)

It was a good appointment - she got the scratch test - of 32 allergens.  She cried, as it hurt she said... and instantly she was exploding from the cat allergen!!  It was crazy to see!

The doctor was great - and talked through everything with us.  We are going to try a different allergy medicine - Xyzal once a day, in addition Flonase Sensimist.  We are hopeful this will knock some of her attacks down until a good hard freeze (which probably won't be until November or so).  

I'm so glad we got this handled, and now we have some answers. 

First 30 seconds

After 15 minutes

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